All the Philly show pics!!!

^thanks again guys! Squeak, it has been awhile! I am still going to TRY to make a CA show. I look forward to seeing your pics, too! Good luck on the shows and stuff. Man, I love doing this! The whole show, as I said, was just fun. Yeah, I get a lot of red-eye, but i try to cope best I can with my little digicam. The interview pics are going to be the one of Alexi drinking/flipping the bird, him just posing and the one of me and him drinking. :D
will do, Shagoroth. :)

And for those who want the party pics: (thanks to bobvex for hosting the rest)

One i took of Alexi after we got back to the bus right after the interview; to be used as an interview pic:


One when I asked Jaska to pose while he was sitting next to me: :lol:


And one of Roope, the drum tech, and my friend DmanX with Ralph from IE also in the pic and some of Alexi :D...yes, Roope was REALLY drunk...


you've seen this: (also using it for the interview)


and what the fuck, i'll post the classic again: (which will be at the end of the interview :D) kudos again to plfffffft for taking it and Alexi for the great pose idea :D


there ya go. I didn't want to go shoving a camera at them all night but these few party pics will last a lifetime.