Alleged '07 Kalmah release

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it is also mentioned in their new year celebration bulletin in myspace. the original message is:
"Hey everyone, I hope all of you have a safe and wonderful New Year! Something big is coming this year, stay tuned. Cheers!"
a dvd maybe? :OMG:
Finally some clearance....thanks for that Kuisma that makes more sense since TBW album just came out, gives something to look forward to in 08 which is already looking promising this far back in time.
Kinda off topic, but is anybody else excited for the new Ensiferum cd or Norther EP?

Its going to kick so much a**.....
im going to watch them live this summer too:kickass:

im also excited about the Norther EP, hope the songs are simular to the elder albums.
Was not so big fan of "Till Death Unites Us"....
Yeah it is gonna kick alot of ass. You're so lucky you get to see them, though I would much rather see them with Jari on guitar and singing. But seeing them none-the-less would still be great.
i am a little confused here. kalmah on myspace is official, right? they say that something big is coming this year, but janne says that it is not true. :confused:
Yeah alot of people were pissed when Jari quit, Petri is doing pretty good as a replacement, but we will see when the album comes out if they can live up to the glory of the past albums.
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