The vocals of both Allen and Lande shine on this album... power, soul, it's all there. The rhythm section sounds excellent. Since Friday I've heard the album all the way through, and my fave songs 5-9 times! I think it will be a big hit.
The vocals of both Allen and Lande shine on this album... power, soul, it's all there. The rhythm section sounds excellent. Since Friday I've heard the album all the way through, and my fave songs 5-9 times! I think it will be a big hit.

I'm not sure about this album. I like the songs overall, haven't heard them all though. I don't think it's better than The Battle but it's still great. Totally buying it!
I picked this up at HMV today. When I first listened to samples of it sometime ago, I wasn't really impressed. I wasn't going to order it. I was shocked as shit when I saw it on the shelf and figured I would at least buy it today since it was actually there.

I just have two questions: Firstly has Russell been going through some rough times this year? He just sounds pissed as fuck on 'Paradise Lost' and far more aggressive on this album than 'The Battle'. Second, any fellow Metroid geeks think the two creatures on the cover look a little like Kraid and Ridley? :grin:
Not at ALL man, at least not on the first. I didn't pick up the second yet, but Jorn has no energy behind his voice at all. He sounds generic as hell.
i initially didn't dig this album because of the repetitive vocal phrasing.

notice how the vocals almost always come in at the fifth eighth-note in a bar, and it's sung the same way.

but a bit later on, i got to appreciate the individual songs. my favorites are 'gone too far,' 'when time doesn't heal' and 'will you follow.'

i love russell's soft vocals.
I just have two questions: Firstly has Russell been going through some rough times this year? He just sounds pissed as fuck on 'Paradise Lost' and far more aggressive on this album than 'The Battle'. Second, any fellow Metroid geeks think the two creatures on the cover look a little like Kraid and Ridley?

I agree on both counts. Russell seems very angry on this album...and I love every minute of it because when you thought he could'nt put any more feeling and heart into his music...he fucking shoves it in your face and says "GTFO!".

It was only until recent months that I was introduced to S-X and the awesomeness that is Russell Allen...and they have grown rather quickly into, by far, my favorite band and vocalist (Layne Staley has unfortunately taken the 2nd place seat now).

...and yes. I definately get a Kraid and Ridley feel from the cover. :)

About the album? I don't like it too much to be honest. Not my kind of rock/metal or what have you. Allen just doesn't seem to put a ton of heart into the songs, and that's all I listen for, the vocals/lyrics. I think the only song that really pulls me in is Under the Waves and even that song is kind of "meh".
I agree, both singers of course have performed far better in their respective bands and projects. Someone said that the songs from 'The Revenge' are songs from the first album that didn't make the cut, I've listened to it like four times now and I'd have to agree. Nothing really stands out. It's a decent album at best.

If there's a third collaberation, they should ditch Karlsson (even though it's pretty much his project) and bring in songwriters like Gary Wehrkamp and Carl Cadden-James from Shadow Gallery. :grin:
i actually got The Battle in the mail yesterday and gave it a spin. I thought every song was awesome start to finish. I can't remember if I ordered the revenge or not... I'll have to wait a week or two to see if it shows up, and if not I'll definitely order it.