Allright folks... name your All-Star Team!


Vocals: Sir Russel Allen
Guitar1: Arjen Anthony Lucassen
Guitar2: John Petrucci
Bass: Kristofer Gildenlow
Drums: Martin Lopez


Vocals/Guitar1: Daniel Gildenlow
Guitar2: Arjen Anthony Lucassen
Guitar3: Chris DeGarmo
Bass: John Myung
Drums: Jerry Gaskill
Everyone but Myung on backup vocals.
Creeps said:

the big jams in the sky;
vocals - Ray Gillen

That is a great choice Creeps. I was never a huge fan of Badlands but Gillen could peel paint off the walls with his voice. He was very underrated.

Mike Howe (Metal CHurch) and Tony Martin (Sabbath/The Cage/Misha Calvin) are also two gifted vocalists that often get overlooked.

allright, here goes..

Vocals : Geoff Tate (hmm or maybe Devin T.)
Guitars : Peter Lake (Theory in Practice ;))
Guitars : ...Shawn Lane..(RIP)
Keys : Mats Olausson
Bass : Steve Bailey
Drums : Morgan Agren


Very interesting lists!
My dream studio recording would consist of:

Vocals: Jorn Lande
Rhythm Guitar: Chuck Schuldiner
Lead Guitar: Alex Skolnick
Bass Guitar: Steve Harris
Acoustic Spanish Guitar: Tore Ostby
Keyboards: Frank Boejen
Drums: Mike Bordin
Harmony/Backing Vocals: Anneke Van Giersbergen

Imagine how much you'd pay for that one...
Mine would be something like ...

Vocals: Tobias Sammet
Guitar I: Criss Oliva
Guitar II: Luca Turilli
Keyboards: Tharen
Bass: Alex Webster
Drums: Nicholas Barker

Now, granted, I cannot imagine a line-up like this ever happening considering the different backgrounds but they're some of my favorite musicians so if they got together and made an album I'd sucker in and buy it in a second.
Creeps said:
weird.. I'd buy it though considering I own 0, zip, nada DT albums

I'll go hide behind an overturned couch now while you all pick on me and start throwing DT cds at me to listen to
Not from me, you won't get them. Stick with Rush, early Queensryche, and early Fates Warning.

Se7enChurches said:
Not from me, you won't get them. Stick with Rush, early Queensryche, and early Fates Warning.


Rush... check, and their last studio album is amazing
the Ryche.. check, but only up to Mindcrme even though I have Empire on vinyl
Fates.. small check, I have No Exit, that's the only album that I've liked right off the bat by them so far
vocals - Andre Matos
Female vocals - Tarja
guitar - Jason Becker ( if he was still able to play)
guitar -Jon Schaffer
bass - Luis Mariutti
Keyboards - janne Warman
Drums - Christian Nyqvist ( lost horizon )

i cant believe i forgot the fucking drums lol
LEAD SINGER: Matt Barlow & Bruce Dickinson runners up: tarja, kim goss, shagrath, sonata arctica, russ allen, ozzy, tim owens

Rhythm guitar: Jon Schaffer: runners up: james hetfield/silenoz

Lead guitars: Alexi Laiho and Randy Rhoads: runners up:michael romeo & zakk

Bass: Cliff Burton/Steve Harris/

Keyboard: Janne Warman from Children of Bodom-runner up: Jens J.

Drummer: Gene Hoglan- runner up:Nick Barker
I see several people listing Nick Barker as a dream drummer on this thread. I have to say I don't understand it. At least based on the Dimmu Borgir era, he cheated like a motherfucker on some studio recordings with Pro Tools, etc., and having seen Dimmu live, he was HORRIBLE. His drums were so triggered they sounded like absolute shit and, starting two thirds of the way through the set, he was having trouble keeping up with the rest of the band. There are MUCH better drummers out there, people.
