80's Thrash Metal All Star Line Up


California Greg
Jan 5, 2012
I apologize if this has been done before, but if not, or if you want to do it again, I am trying to put together an All Star fantasy type group of four or five musicians who were around in the 80s. This is not based on the most popular but based on musicianship, their ability to improvise and us wanting to see them jam together. Just imagine what it would be like. I'll start:

Drums - Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Grip Inc. etc...)

Guitar - Alex Skolnick (Testament)

Bass - Cliff Burton (Metallica) R.I.P.

Vocals - Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) I know not Thrash but Metal so I hope you will allow it, lol

Note: Yes we all love Randy Rhoads but I wouldn't consider him a Thrash Metal guitarists, see what I'm sayin'?
Alright I'll bite... I'd love to see what these guys would've been able to come up with:

Vocals - `Nasty´ Ronnie Galetti (Nasty Savage)

Bass - Les Claypool (Blind Illusion, Primus)

Guitars - Denis `Piggy´ D'Amour (Voivod) RIP

Guitars - Mike Scaccia (Rigor Mortis, Ministry)

Drums - Gar Samuelson (Megadeth) RIP

[Final edit I swear!]
Wait a second, you can't create rules, break them, and then not allow others to break them. Maiden is not thrash. Is this a thrash dream team or just a metal dream team?

Thrash dream team:
Vocals: Jimmy P. Brown (Deliverance)
Lead Guitar: Dave Mustaine
Rhythm Guitar: James Hetfield
Bass: Steve DiGorgio (sp?)
Drums: Any drummer who can avoid playing a turn-around beat or blast beats for 99% of the song.
Vocals - `Nasty´ Ronnie Galetti (Nasty Savage)
Bass - Les Claypool (Blind Illusion, Primus)
Guitars - Denis `Piggy´ D'Amour (Voivod) RIP
Guitars - Mike Scaccia (Rigor Mortis, Ministry)
Drums - Gar Samuelson (Megadeth) RIP
Nice, bonus thumbs up for Gar! I am a bit partial to drummers. :D
Wait a second, you can't create rules, break them, and then not allow others to break them.
Noted! :D

However Deliverance did not put out an album until 89 so I would consider them more of the 90's crowd. Can you explain what you mean by turn-around beat, I honestly don't know.
Alright I'll bite... I'd love to see what these guys would've been able to come up with:

Vocals - `Nasty´ Ronnie Galetti (Nasty Savage)

Interesting choice.

One I like to see.

Tommy T. Baron - Guitar
Steve DiGiorgio - Bass
Mike Wead - Guitar
Nick Menza - Drums
Nicole Lee - Vocals
Kenn Nardi on vocals and guitar (unique vocalist and capable of stretching boundaries when needed in song-writing), Sifringer and Vetterli on guitar (two of metal's finest riffcrafters), Doug Keyser on bass (godfather of progressive metal and probably the most technical metal bassist in the 80's), and Samuelson on drums (great groove and variety; if Clive Burr had something to show for in the end of the 80's he would have worked too).
Noted! :D

However Deliverance did not put out an album until 89 so I would consider them more of the 90's crowd. Can you explain what you mean by turn-around beat, I honestly don't know.

The snare becomes a quarter note, rather than on the 2 and 4. It can be cool if used effectively, but a lot of 80s thrash bands played that beat waaay too often.

Deliverance's first came out in 88 & in early 1990 they did weapons. If Dickinson counts, Nrown surely does.
Drums - Vinny Daze (Demolition Hammer)
Bass - Les Claypool (Blind Illusion)
Guitar - Dave Mustaine (Megadeth)
Guitar - Lee Altus (Heathen)
Vocals - Russ Anderson (Forbidden)

This would be a merciless thrash machine!
thank you for posting the names of the bands of these musicians I know I don't know all of them so it helps, also if they played in multiple bands or projects and you are referring to any in particular
Tommy T. Baron - Guitar
Steve DiGiorgio - Bass
Mike Wead - Guitar
Nick Menza - Drums
Nicole Lee - Vocals
OK, I must admit I didn't know half these guys/gal so I went a lookin which is kinda cool cause you get to discover new artists, bands, whatever, anyway I'm not knocking your choices but most of these musicians are circa the 90's not the 80's.

Nick Menza did not appear in Megadeth until the Rust in Peace album in 1990. Is he bad ass absolutely, but not an 80's kat.

Same goes for Steve and Mike more of 90's guys, so these guys would have been influenced by the guys I was thinking of.
Yeah, studio albums are great, but live Ronnie has always been the week link. Certainly the high tones sound kinda ridiculous live....

So for "my" band...

Drums : Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Grip Inc...)
Guitar 1 : Hank Shermann (Mercyful Fate, Demonica,...)
Guitar 2 : Since it's a fantasy band; Me
Bass : Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, SOD...)
Vocals : Michael Sanders (Toxik)
Yeah, studio albums are great, but live Ronnie has always been the week link. Certainly the high tones sound kinda ridiculous live....

So for "my" band...

Drums : Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Grip Inc...)
Guitar 1 : Hank Shermann (Mercyful Fate, Demonica,...)
Guitar 2 : Since it's a fantasy band; Me
Bass : Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, SOD...)
Vocals : Michael Sanders (Toxik)
Ah gotcha, well in that case I think I'd have to go with either Erik A.K (Flotsam & Jetsam) or Doug Trevisan (Fatal Violence).

Very cool lineup btw. Lilker kicks some ass.
vocals: Neil Turbin (Anthrax)
lead guitar: Alex Skolnik (Testament)
rythm guit: Derek Sykes (Demolition Hammer)
bass: Steve DiGorgio (Sadus)
drums: Joe Cangelosi (Whiplash)
OK, I must admit I didn't know half these guys/gal so I went a lookin which is kinda cool cause you get to discover new artists, bands, whatever, anyway I'm not knocking your choices but most of these musicians are circa the 90's not the 80's.

I must apologize. I kinda did it on purpose (but it work, you look for it) since I'm the bad mod and so I act accordingly :devil:

I realize you're looking for 80's musicians for thrash bands, but I couldn't let Menza not go in. I think he re-dimensioned Megadeth sound on RIP. Hoglan (Dark Angel) or Lombardo (Slayer) could have fit nice too.

As for Tommy, the first Coroner album is 87, the first Hexenhaus (for Wead, not counting the Maninnya Blade album) is 88, Sadus debut is 88 (for DiGiorgio), and Lee went back to 84 with Znowhite Eps.

So even if they really hit harder at the end of the decade they were all old-school thrash leaders albeit not pioneers.

Guitar - Lee Altus (Heathen)

He was high on my list, but didn't made the finals. I love Heathen!

Kenn Nardi on vocals

As much as I can't deny the technicality in Anacrusis, his vocals always made me cringe, so the band always have been borderline for me (and I had all four albums).

Sifringer and Vetterli on guitar (two of metal's finest riffcrafters)

Didn't know the first guy, so I check it out and found it was Destruction guitar. Since I don't like the band at all, it explains my ignorance :eek:

Interesting to have him along Tommy my favorite technical thrash guitar player (I still owe to myself to check Ron Jarzombek on that department since he kicks ass in the progressive metal one).

Same to you. :)

I must admit I'm not too big a fan of her vocals though, but the rest of the band's great.

Curious how even if I hate passionately harsh, guttural and growlers vocalists, both Ron Royce and Nicole Lee always hit me right. I specially like her on 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' the last song in "Act Of God".
guess i'll give it a whirl:

vocals- eric a.k. (flotsam and jetsam)
guitar- fast eddie clarke (motorhead) hey they are close enough to thrash
bass - frank bello (anthrax)
drums- dave lombardo (slayer)