Almighty Sundin talks about new record [new interview]

Interesting. I'm not quite sure what to say right now beyond that, but it was indeed interesting. I like the assumed US tour, and I find it funny that the songs we tried to hear in the youtube clip might not even be on the album.

I just hope for US tour in spring, hope evrything works out, cuz April and May are mad months to have fun =)
I love his answer about politics and the israel conflict. DT has nowt to do with politics. Why fucking ask? The questions were rather gash in truth... They invited sundin to say what we all knew he'd say... I loved how he corrected the interviewer that it was projector that had the big change, not Haven. Nothing new overall, but always nice to read the words of sundin, even if they are bored sounding :p.
I just read this article not long ago. Niklas is such a classy guy. He doesn't go on gushing about the new album and he tactfully declines to discuss politics. Can't wait for the tour in 07. Would be nice if DT could headline the U.S. this time around. I think they've got enough of a fan base here now to be able to pull it off.

Haven't posted on UM in a while, been more of a reader for a while...just recently trying to make a conscious effort to do so again, so hello!:cool:
I love his answer about politics and the israel conflict. DT has nowt to do with politics. Why fucking ask? The questions were rather gash in truth... They invited sundin to say what we all knew he'd say... I loved how he corrected the interviewer that it was projector that had the big change, not Haven. Nothing new overall, but always nice to read the words of sundin, even if they are bored sounding :p.

Well, they do zounds of interviews, and most of them are boring as fuck, thus we get answers all the same every time; it totally depends on the one who does interview how interesting it's going to be - that girl from Illinois (Karma) she did a few good ones with In Flames and dark tranquillity back in the day, both of which I totally enjoyed.

Was funny to hear about b-sides :D Can't believe that, actually, but there are a few months before we can actually see for ourselves.

And - I told you it was going to be spring (April :D) I feel like reserving days off already for the US tour whenever it gets confirmed :)
I'm just hopin I'll be able to get to wherever it is they're gonna be playing without too much trouble. I'll probably be in Boston at that point, so I'm guessing in town or in CT somewhere.

What I'm wondering is if we'll have all the lyrics figured out by the time the album is out, again :D

So no clean vocals this time either, eh? I thought there would be some. :(

And welcome back ShadowLioness. :) :wave:
So no clean vocals this time either, eh? I thought there would be some. :(

And welcome back ShadowLioness. :) :wave:

[offtopic] Is shadowlioness the vocalist from Chaoswave? If so, we are in the presence of a legend. If not, I'm an idiot :p [/offtopic]

@Plinny... I know sundin has to answer the same old questions over and over and thats why he isn't always excited to answer or whatever. One thing I do like about DT interviews, they say things that I've always agreed with generally, like understanding artistic or just creative quality in music for instance... I always said when asked what music I like that I like music that's actually good. And also the thing they say about it being hard to be objective about your own music, listening to it and playing it so much, after a while the technical stuff I write just sounds easy to me and I stop thinking it's actually technical, the heavy stuff loses it's kick and the epic stuff is not epic anymore. But if I listen to something a year down the line, I'm always like... "Did I fucking write that?! :D" And I'm merry again... So yes, Sundin is teh cool.
Writing music is similar to coding to me (well, I don't write music, but I have some years in music school) - you can never fully realize how complex and cool your code/product is since you wrote it, and it's always others who judge... but it's always up to personal taste.

And I listen to heavy shit, since it gives me so much respect and high reputation on internet music discussion boards (copyright someone) :D
We are hitting Phila, DC, Virginia and New York in one leg, and prolly LA/SF, so if you are up for a road trip - you better start packing :heh:
hey plintus thx for the link.
nice interview and interesting that there wont be any clear vocals on the new one. sad but ok. but what does he mean with:" : As a whole, it’s more diverse and features bigger variation between the songs than - for example - “Character”, but there’s no point in elaborating too much as you all can hear it pretty soon. "
the songs I heard are more in the character style, what are the bigger variations???
good that there was not in flames related question(IF are never asked about DT) but this Britney Spears thing is useless. but I read it in lots of interviews
anyway thx for sharing
but what does he mean with:" : As a whole, it’s more diverse and features bigger variation between the songs than - for example - “Character”, but there’s no point in elaborating too much as you all can hear it pretty soon. "

good that there was not in flames related question(IF are never asked about DT) but this Britney Spears thing is useless. but I read it in lots of interviews
anyway thx for sharing

As of May 28 2006:

"As for the music itself, the material we're working on covers the whole gamut from laid back acoustic sections to furious blastbeats, so you can all look forward to a diverse and challenging offering."

And it's quite usual to see Niklas asked about IF since he was behind some of their "most critically acclaimed" records :)