
could someone please tell me what will shipping costs be for europe? (should be 4USD for a Cd.. but it's CD+tshirt so it should cost more).

and.. are t-shirts american or european size? (is there someone kind enough to tell me the width and height of the tshirt?) thanks
Shipping cost is 4 USD for the bundle.
My order hasn't arrived yet either.
Got finally my copy in hand right now!!!!!!!! Will write a review on it in my journal, published in french, in Quebec only. Sorry ! :)
I buy, sell and trade world wide, if something is sent out of the USA airpost
the average is about 10 days to 2 weeks depending on the country of destination
If it was sent surface could take up to 3 months -

I know. I lived in the US for a year as an exchange student and when I sent all the stuff that wouldn't fit in my suitcase in a huge box to Germany it took 6 weeks. The problem is just that I don't want to wait any longer.
I think you won't have the choice ;)

It's funny because I sent some stuff in Sweden for Xmas, and my friend got his package in like... 3 or 4 days ? Lol !!!!
Funny that the album opens with a quote from 'Grizzly Man'... and that quote is one of the reasons I thought that film was absolute shit. The film maker was really up his own arse about "Cinema" and such... constantly drawing in the idea of what good "cinema" is... and not just letting the documentary be good "Cinema".
I know. I lived in the US for a year as an exchange student and when I sent all the stuff that wouldn't fit in my suitcase in a huge box to Germany it took 6 weeks. The problem is just that I don't want to wait any longer.
where were you in the USA? not Idaho, i hope :heh:
Much, much worse. Oklahoma. In the middle of nowhere of Oklahoma. There isn't a worse place than that for someone like me.
Funny that the album opens with a quote from 'Grizzly Man'... and that quote is one of the reasons I thought that film was absolute shit. The film maker was really up his own arse about "Cinema" and such... constantly drawing in the idea of what good "cinema" is... and not just letting the documentary be good "Cinema".

I think that movie was really good. Kinda scary almost. Niklas suggested it to me, he liked it too I think, so I'm not surprised that there's a quote from it on this album! :saint:
Haha, don't get me started on Grizzly man.
*spoilers for le film*
I think a closet homosexual who escapes the real world to pretend he's a bear god, when actually he's just a pest to nature, could be a good subject for a film... But when the documentary maker (who is apparently really well respected) does egotisticle things like sitting himself in front of the camera and listenening to the audio of the dude getting eaten alive, clearly mocking sadness to try and capture a dramatic moment with the dead dudes mother, it just sucks any feeling out of the film. Also making the choice not to play the audio... This'll sound sick, but I would have worshipped the film if they'd have played the audio with a southpark style animated re-enactment of him and his girlfriend being ripped apart. Either that or just not include the fact that there is audio of this incredibly annoying bastard meeting his grizzly demise... See what I did there? Basically I'm saying the documentary maker was ball-less, and the subject of the documentary was an attention craving extrovert. Worth a watch for the meer cringe factor... kinda like those MTV reality shows, terrible, but so watchable.
Much, much worse. Oklahoma. In the middle of nowhere of Oklahoma. There isn't a worse place than that for someone like me.

lol i thought there couldnt be somewhere worst than Idaho :p. Which Organisation did you go with?

I went with Rotary (because it is cheaper than with any other organisation). They sent me in a small 4000 inhabitants town in the middle of nowhere. There was a 50 000 inhabitants town 20 min drive, but with no public transports, i could never go there by myself.

I had written in my files that i had to give to the Rotary that even though i came from a small village, i liked to go to the nearby cities with friends... i guess they didnt even read it :( . With other organisations, like WEP, they ask you questions, like if you prefer to live in a town/village + how many inhabitants, what your hobbies are, which social class do you come from (that one was a bit strange). And then they triy to send you somewhere according to your answers. The Rotary also asks you some questions, but they dont follow what you said to send you somewhere... These answers are just for your host families to get to know you a little before you come.
I buy, sell and trade world wide, if something is sent out of the USA airpost
the average is about 10 days to 2 weeks depending on the country of destination
If it was sent surface could take up to 3 months -

Yes, I know, but as Matse there Im an impatient bastard when it comes to certain things. But thanks, I feel better now with this re-assurance.
I'm really happy that we don't hear the tape of his death actually. I couldn't handle it....

Well then they could have put up a message saying "don't listen if you're squeemish". See, I'm thinking on my feet. Just wondering, did you actually find the guy likeable? I just think he was constantly showing off. The whole thing was a stunt to gain attention and make himself feel special. He pretty much admits it in not so many words. Nothing about what he did was selfless.