Almost There...


Douglas A Ott


Doug here. I was just packing up my stuff for the trip to Trenton and I thought I would write in one last time before I left.

Nervous, excited, anxious; emotions running through my brain at this time. It just dawned on me, this will be the first time we have played a show since late 1998! It also is the first show with Ed on bass again!! Not to mention first show with Sean on drums!!! And the first show without Mike on keys!!!!! A lot to be nervous about...excited about!

Stuffing my suitcase, I am reminded of all the tours and shows we've done in the past. Nostalgic, my heart and mind are filled with a silent happiness and I am humbled. I can't believe how fortunate we have been to be able to exist as long as we have and still be going strong. Throughout adversity, heartache, loss of friends and family, changing record labels and changing band members, we still have managed to hold it together somehow.

I wanted to say thanks to Paul and Mike for all there friendship, support and creativity they have both shared with me over the years. We had some great times together. Some not so great times as well but the good far exceeded the bad. I'll miss you both this weekend.

Paul stopped by the rehearsal studio last night to listen to our set. I must say it was great to have him sitting on the floor listening to our set filled with songs that he either wrote and/or played on. He gave us the verbal "Thumbs Up!" Thanks Paul, it meant a lot to all of us.

I also wanted to thank all of the fans that have spent there hard earned cash and precious time, buying our CD's and traveling to our shows to see us play. We all appreciate your support. We look forward to meeting some of the people who we have corresponded with over the years; be sure to approach us and say hi.

Ok, enough of my rambling. Until next week when I get back, I bid you farewell.

Wish us luck!


P.S. To Sean, Ed, Ted and Mark...Let's kick ass boys!

Good luck dudes ! :)

Maybe you can record the show so we can put some short clips on the site.
To Paul: I'd love to hear from you again. Mail me at if you get a chance.

Take care guys... I wish I was there to watch you perform.

-The Webmaster


Thanks Wolf! your awesome! Hey go for it! We wish you were here as well for this one! I will have Paul get a hold of you my friend.

Douglas, what can I say! you said it so well, and like usual from the Heart! We will kick some ass for sure! I too am nostalgic at the moment! Hey it is just great to be back! And doing what we always wanted to do! Play for all these great people who support us and make it incredible! Past, Present and Future! :)

Hey Paul you really pumped us up by coming by! you my friend are simply amazing! Thanks.

And to all not able to attend close your eyes and listen to us pouring it all out for you!

OK I gotta run! I hear the guys down stairs getting ready for the journey! Looks like it is time to get on that big bird and head east!

Lets do this!


Hi Guys,

I´m from Brazil and I wish you guys have a great time with the shows. Good luck for the new drummer. I´m anxious to hear his work.
I would like to say also that your passion for your music is a great inspiration to me. Keep up this wonderful work! I dream that one day it will be possible for me to see one of your shows.

HI folks

Good lucky at the show.
Wish to get the new album very soon! U all are one of my influences and the influence for my band here in Brazil. Hope to see you around here very soon! Reaaly love and respect all your music!! Kick all asses at the show guys!!


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