UM Troll member
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?
2. B - Birthday?
June 30th
3. C - Dream Car?
Lamborghini Diablo.
4. D - Dad's Name?
5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
6. F - Food you eat the most?
7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?
Only in my dreams (?)
8. H - Happy?
Can't complain.
9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I played rugby from 1996 to 2000. It's not interesting, but whatever.
10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Pool's closed.
11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Closed. It has all that ghey magic thing going on.
12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
10 seconds ago.
13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
When me and my friends participated in the school's politics. Suddenly, our popularity boasted up and everybody knew who we were.
14. N - Nickname?
Gonzo, Gon.
15. O - Are you organized?
16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"I did it for the lulz" - Osama Bin Laden
18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
The Simpsons. R stands for Retarded, amirite?
19. S - Song you last sang?
Symphony X - The Odyssey
20. T - Time you woke up?
Didn't sleep.
21. U - U like who?
A girl.
22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
I love them. Ghey question.
24. X - X- rated love life?
25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day, just cause Dookie was a good cd.
26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
2. B - Birthday?
June 30th
3. C - Dream Car?
Lamborghini Diablo.
4. D - Dad's Name?
5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
6. F - Food you eat the most?
7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?
Only in my dreams (?)
8. H - Happy?
Can't complain.
9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I played rugby from 1996 to 2000. It's not interesting, but whatever.
10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Pool's closed.
11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Closed. It has all that ghey magic thing going on.
12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
10 seconds ago.
13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
When me and my friends participated in the school's politics. Suddenly, our popularity boasted up and everybody knew who we were.

14. N - Nickname?
Gonzo, Gon.
15. O - Are you organized?
16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"I did it for the lulz" - Osama Bin Laden
18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
The Simpsons. R stands for Retarded, amirite?
19. S - Song you last sang?
Symphony X - The Odyssey
20. T - Time you woke up?
Didn't sleep.
21. U - U like who?
A girl.
22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
I love them. Ghey question.
24. X - X- rated love life?
25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day, just cause Dookie was a good cd.
26. Z - Zodiac Sign?