Alphabet Quiz


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
I know it's pathetic, but here's some quiz I jacked from Myspace. If you're as bored as me you'll understand why I bothered to fill it out. :lol: Enjoy! The rules are self explanatory.

1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
September 23rd

3. C - Dream Car?
Nothing fancy or expensive. Something practical.

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
Brandon? Fuck, it's too early there's a fuckload of people I'm forgetting :lol:

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Chocolate :erk: :erk:

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
:lol: If working your balls of all the time for peanuts makes you happy, then FUCK YEAH MY LIFE RULES!

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I used to have a shaved head. And that I'm actually really nice.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Yes, who hasn't? Just make sure nothing is in your pockets :erk:

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
I do both, it depends. Usually closed when I'm datign someone kenw but eventually I open them. I like eyes closed better.

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
:heh: I am always doing something BAD. I'm going to hell no doubt.

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Memories are for pussies. :lol:

14. N - Nickname?
None I can think of atm? Someone here come up with one.

15. O - Are you organized?

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"Do you ever think the Brady Bunch will get back together?" - Screech from Saved by the Bell.

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
ALL the movies I watch are pretty much R rated. But for lulkz I'll say The Toxic Avenger.

19. S - Song you last sang?
The Samarithan - Candlemass (As a joke)

20. T - Time you woke up?

21. U - U like who?
I like George W. Bush, he is so awesome. :rolleyes: :Puke:

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
I don't hate any vegetables, I just neglect them :lol:

24. X - X- rated love life?
Possibly?? I don't know wtf this question is asking?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?

3. C - Dream Car?
69 Chevelle.

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
Shane, definitely.

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Toast with Cheez Wiz.

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?
Not yet.

8. H - Happy?
Of course, the moment I'm unhappy I do something else to make myself happy again.

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
Too many to list, get to know me and find out.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Jumped? No. Fell in? Yes.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
Visited 4chan.

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Well, I met someone not too long ago that amazed me. I had a great time with her even though she was only here on vacation and is now back home :erk:

14. N - Nickname?
Brandalf the White

15. O - Are you organized?
Yes, in a disorganized manner.

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
Joe. No joke.

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"that what I don't know, I don't think I know." -Socrates

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
Requiem for a Dream

19. S - Song you last sang?
Attempted to sing Perfektionisten by Vintersorg.

20. T - Time you woke up?
6 AM yesterday, meaning I've been up for quite some time.

21. U - U like who?

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
Carrots. Can't stand em. I'll eat any other king of veggie though.

24. X - X- rated love life?
Hahahaha, yes? :u-huh:

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Early Green Day.

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?
Um... -> /

2. B - Birthday?
August 26th, 1993

3. C - Dream Car?

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
My sister. :p

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Nutella of course, Mc Donalds, Pizza.

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
Yes, at the moment. :)

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Not a pool, but sea.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Um... again -> /

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
I don't remember, it's too often. :p
I'm a bad bad girl. :lol:

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?

14. N - Nickname?
Erni, Erna, Örn, Örni, Dödelina.

15. O - Are you organized?
A bit.

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
I don't know. Long time ago. I think... Freddy, or Marleen maybe.

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
Don't know.

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?

19. S - Song you last sang?

20. T - Time you woke up?
12.30 pm.

21. U - U like who?
Too many.

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
September 7

3. C - Dream Car?
renault is the best!

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh

6. F - Food you eat the most?

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
uh not yet :P

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
I AM bad!:heh:

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
wacken?? :lol:

14. N - Nickname?

15. O - Are you organized?
very much :p

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?

19. S - Song you last sang?
turisas song

20. T - Time you woke up?
11.10 am

21. U - U like who?
a lot of people

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
can't think of one

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
September 5

3. C - Dream Car?
Hmmm... my shoes?

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Twizzlers (If it's considered food)

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
Sure I am!

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I use to, once a week, cut some apple with a sword with my friend. - and old habits we kept.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
I don't remember... If I did, I was probably drunk.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
I close them, but I don't really care (and see) if she she kiss with her eyes open or closed. Lol.

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
I don't know... I'm not a really bad person...

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Like 3 years ago, a friend of mine Photoshop a picture of me and a fish and he copied my face on the fish face.

We remembered that yesterday while cutting some apple, that was the lolz.

14. N - Nickname?
Rufio or Vek. But people usually call me Kev.

15. O - Are you organized?
Not really...

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"This is Jack's smirking revenge".

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
I fucking don't know!

19. S - Song you last sang?
When Johnny Comes Marching Home.

20. T - Time you woke up?
9 am. - About an hour ago.

21. U - U like who?
I like... me?

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day.

- I don,t like the color Yellow.

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
The Great Virgo.
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
April 17th

3. C - Dream Car?
The Batmobile

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Pizza...I deliver for dominos for christs sake

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
For the most part

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I'm a black belt in kung fu. Seriously.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
All the time

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Usually closed, but once I decided to open my eyes while kissing some lady and look and mirror to see if I looked hot while making out.

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
dude, all the time

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
too many

14. N - Nickname?
My guitarist calls me necromancer...but he's a faggot.

15. O - Are you organized?
ha. ahahahaha. ha. no

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"we're never gonna score! Never gonna score! NEVER GONNA SCORE!"-Beavis

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?

19. S - Song you last sang?
trying to learn "De Vermis Mysteriis" before saturday's performance

20. T - Time you woke up?
10:30 AM (early for me)

21. U - U like who?

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?
ahahahaha...good one...I've been on quite the dry spell for a while

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
I'll take OLD greenday over yellowcard

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
June 22nd

3. C - Dream Car?
Toyota Yaris lol

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
My brother

6. F - Food you eat the most?

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
Hell yeah

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
People know everything about me, so no need to answer this question.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Sure... who hasn't ?

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
I never did anything bad :lol:

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Probably when I slept at my friend's place and we threw pillows at her all night long and she never woke up.

14. N - Nickname?
Marie ?

15. O - Are you organized?
Lol. No.

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
My grandma ???

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
All the shit Alexi says on the DVD - I just finished watching it.

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
I have no idea.

19. S - Song you last sang?
Zakk Wylde - In This River (RIP Dime :( )

20. T - Time you woke up?
Can't remember but it was too early anyway.

21. U - U like who?
My friends

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
Onion .... if it's a vegetable... I'm not a big fan of mushrooms either...

24. X - X- rated love life?
I'm too tired to even think about what that means.

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
I like none of them, but Yellowcard are more original 'cause they have got a violin player.

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?
16...Maybe....I don't really know, I was drunk :erk: :erk: :erk:

2. B - Birthday?
June 4th

3. C - Dream Car?
Aston Martin DBR9

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
COBOT, just as a whole.

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Pizza (don't worry, I stay in shape xD)

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
Not particularly happy, but perfectly content with life.

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I'm part German :zombie: (well actually thats kinda obvious, you don't get a surname like "Swabey" if you 100% English)

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Yes, I also forgot to take my iPod out my pocket....But it still works :D

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Closed, it happens naturally.

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
No idea.

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Blind Guardian concert at Wacken :O

14. N - Nickname?

15. O - Are you organized?

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
My sister.

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"Ripley: I keep seeing cornbread. " Alien

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
In the UK there is no such thing as an "R-rated" movie :/

19. S - Song you last sang?
Nevermore - Tomorrow Turned to Yesterday

20. T - Time you woke up?

21. U - U like who?
Anyone I don't hate.

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
May 26th

3. C - Dream Car?
Black Tacoma

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Pop Tarts

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?
No? lol

8. H - Happy?
Right now? Sure!

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
For people on here.....I'm Christian:)

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Yes! It was too hot outside. Looooovvvve that Texas heat.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Closed. It feels weird when they're opened.

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
Called my parents assholes.:lol:

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?

14. N - Nickname?
Noodle. But that was when I was skinny. Now I'm more of a ravioli chunk.

15. O - Are you organized?
My room is an organized clutter :)

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
o0o0o0o0o0o uhhh probably the last Matrix.

19. S - Song you last sang?
Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence

20. T - Time you woke up?
6:50 am

21. U - U like who?

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
Green Beans :ill:

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?
Still a virgin.

2. B - Birthday?
December 25

3. C - Dream Car?
I don't really care.

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
My brother, my cousin, LAUREN, Nick, my band

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Um...I eat a variety of things...I do have a chocolate fetish though XD

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?
Not particularly, no.

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you? I'm really really deathly shy? And I'm also a Christian :)

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Ahah yeah I have a pool and I often get pushed in or persuaded to just jump in.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Closed its less ackward

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
Define "bad" XD

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Um...maybe winning the Grade 10 guitar award a couple years ago. I didn't think I could do it...and I promised my grandpa I would try before he died (he taught me how to play)

14. N - Nickname?
:lol: : Missy, Princess, Wildchild, Ari, Drummergirl, Midget, Shrimp, Brownie, Bodom Bitch, Porkchop...

15. O - Are you organized?
I used to be.

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"In a little bit" (That was my brother, I asked him if he wanted to use his laptop)

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
Beneath Still Water

19. S - Song you last sang?
Angels Don't Kill - COB

20. T - Time you woke up?

21. U - U like who?
None of your damn business :lol:

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?
Oh yes all the time....(wtf?)

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Neither but if I had to pick, Yellowcard (the drummer's cooler)

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
5th July 1988

3. C - Dream Car?
One of them with them weels

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
My girlfriend probably

6. F - Food you eat the most?

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?
Not that i know of

8. H - Happy?
Not atm, but i'll be when i return to Sweden

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
Uh, i speak three languages fluently

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
I guess it's nicer with your eyes closed, but for some reason i tend to have them open

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
Can't really remember

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
When my girlfriend visited me 2 weeks ago.

14. N - Nickname?

15. O - Are you organized?

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
My mom

17. Q - Last quote you heard?
Can't remember

18. R - Last R-rated movie you?

I don't keep track of stuff like these

19. S - Song you last sang?
Symphony X - Eve of seduction

20. T - Time you woke up?

21. U - U like who?
Nice people

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
Mushrooms in general, closest thing to a vegetable.

24. X - X- rated love life?
Immensly :ill:

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day because they can shred.

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
February 6th

3. C - Dream Car?

4. D - Dad's Name?
Earl (OH IT'S A my pals NAME LOOOL)

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
Not really sure

6. F - Food you eat the most?

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
There isn't much I haven't said, and things I haven't say I'm not willing to reveal

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
No, because I don't spend time at the pool

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?
Both, depends

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
It's a routine so I can't remember. Probably when I went camping dared my friend to present himself to a horse, and the horse almost bit his cock off

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
(Memories are for pussies)

14. N - Nickname?
Fletch, floppy, gayboy, cunt, devil worshipper, you name it:kickass:

15. O - Are you organized?

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
17. Q - Last quote you heard?
"In America" is the last quote I remember.

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
I forgot
19. S - Song you last sang?
Megadeth- A tout le monde

20. T - Time you woke up?
21. U - U like who?
I'm a hippy so I like everyone

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?

24. X - X- rated love life?
I don't have a love life

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?
1. A - Age you lost your virginity?

2. B - Birthday?
December 2nd

3. C - Dream Car?
I don't care... even my dad's beat up Toyota would make me happy.

4. D - Dad's Name?

5. E - Easiest person to make you laugh
You don't know them...

6. F - Food you eat the most?
Quesadilla and NACHOS!!!

7. G - Any encounters with ghosts?

8. H - Happy?

9. I - Interesting fact people don't know about you?
I was born in the Northwest and raised in the Southeast.

10. J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
No. I'm not a moron.

11. K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?

12. L - Last time you did something "bad"?
Last Friday. I had a physical altercation with a co-worker.

13. M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?
Free falling on one of those rides at an amusement park, like 6 years ago. Good times...

14. N - Nickname?
Cris, Tina, Titina.

15. O - Are you organized?
I try...

16. P - Person you last talked to on the phone?
My mom.

17. Q - Last quote you heard?

18. R - Last R-rated movie you saw?
Uuuuh... 1406...? The Stephen King movie...?

19. S - Song you last sang?
Every Rose Has it's Thorn. I sung it in my mind.

20. T - Time you woke up?

21. U - U like who?
I like the adorable crazies I work with.

22. V - Vegetable you hate most?
Mango. I know it's not a vegetable, but it still comes from nature and all...

24. X - X- rated love life?

25. Y - Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day. I actually like them and I have never heard of this Yellowcard.

26. Z - Zodiac Sign?

I'm uninteresting. Wow.