Alright all of you Fuckers with the Name Changes

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Has anyone else noticed the rash of gayness as of late? Dreamlord=J., Sorath=FOTBM, NAD=Adrian, BloodStainedWalls=Doomcifer, tec, etc., etc.,,etc.....


Next thing I know you're all going to start Princing out on me and start calling yourself #@$%$^&*&^%. That's great, so what's up #@$%$^&*&^%? Did you see that thread with #@$%$^&*&^%? Man, that guy's a fuckin' nut!

Today #@$%$^&*&^% was talkin about ........

I could sign in with my first UM account from back in June 2001 and confuse the hell outta all of y'all.

npearce=Nate the Great
I'm going to start using all my fake accounts randomly, and then creating more just to further confuse the masses.