Alright! Anyone who likes Dimebag Darrell watch this video!


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
The Last Dime Interview < ---- click here to​

stream the video! This was done at The Krank Amp headquarters.​

the show was on father's day in I couldn't see it. I'm still bummed that there's such bad blood going on with the hoffmans.

R.I.P. Darrel...I made my gf watch all the Pantera vhs' with me haha. It's interesting seeing Phil in the cowboys from hell vid. then Pantera 3 watch it go.
Thats an awsome video, he seemed like he's funny as hell and a trip to hang around. I must also add he is a master of the squeels. That man has the coolest sounding whammy tricks.
Was he playing one of his custom Dean's in the video? Maybe he has them clear extra room for that bridge to swing. Those Dean Dual-Vs or whatever, can't think of the name, are all I ever recall him playing.

Thats awsome though, hit a harmonic then let er rip "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL".

I sometimes wish my guitar wasn't blocked. I can only drop, I can't raise the pitch. Oh well, she was a bitch to tune without the block.
How often do you peeps use the whammy anyway? I guess I have heard a few little parts on HTWTS. Having 1 Floyd-less guitar won't hurt.