Dimebag can't shred?

Elysian893 said:
he's good, but he's not any kind of innovative. there have been people on here who say dimebag is innovative, but they can't back it up, they just believe it without substance.

i agree. my point is that you dont have to be innovative to be good. its not fair to say, considering different people are inspired by different musicians. if that were the case then there would be no music at all.
Jani Laiho said:
i agree. my point is that you dont have to be innovative to be good. its not fair to say, considering different people are inspired by different musicians. if that were the case then there would be no music at all.
and i don't disagree with your point at all, i was merely stating that he wasn't really innovative or incredibly original, in response to someone saying he was. i don't have a problem with something thinking something is original or innovative, if it actually is, but when its not, i'm going to say something.
Elysian893 said:
and i don't disagree with your point at all, i was merely stating that he wasn't really innovative or incredibly original, in response to someone saying he was. i don't have a problem with something thinking something is original or innovative, if it actually is, but when its not, i'm going to say something.

Back in the cowboys from hell era, listen to his guitar work. The riffs, the solos, the trem work and squeals.. and tell me what guitarists of that time sounded like that?
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
You didn't name anyone :Spin:

I mean there are tons of people out there now who try to play like dimebag but back in the CFH era he was pretty original...
then show me one origional lick he had. the licks he played, had already been played out throughout the 80s.
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
You didn't name anyone :Spin:

I mean there are tons of people out there now who try to play like dimebag but back in the CFH era he was pretty original...

Skid Row, anyone?:Spin: :Spin:
alright, guitar solo wise......thats different. but just the genre of music then yeah there were plenty of pantera like bands. but as a guitar player dime was one of a kind
god damnit, thanks for reminding me how terrible a vocalist phil is. this solo is full of cliche licks from the 80s, theres nothing innovative here, its really pretty predictable. and i've heard this song before, i just didn't recognize it by name. you probably think trivium is innovative and original too.
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
3:42-4:35 In The Sleep?

It's alright, Marty Friendman had already done stuff like this.


And man do I hate Phil's vocals, I don't get what his constant praising (and worhipping) is about.
Elysian893 said:
god damnit, thanks for reminding me how terrible a vocalist phil is. this solo is full of cliche licks from the 80s, theres nothing innovative here, its really pretty predictable. and i've heard this song before, i just didn't recognize it by name. you probably think trivium is innovative and original too.

You are a fucking idiot. And I don't like Trivium, sorry.
You think you know it all man, but you don't. You think everything you hate sucks, you think everything you like is the best. And you always think you are right.

Warrell could only wish he was as good as Pantera-Era Phil.