Alright Heres my review for St.Louis at Pops 12/6


Klingons on Uranus
Oct 17, 2003
St. Louis Missouri USA
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Ill review the bands first then ill talk about my night.

Hypocrisy 8.5/10 - Great live band I loved every minute and I ecspecially loved the killing fields song that was a great headbanger. I have never seen or heard this band till tonight and I have to say they were awesome.

CHILDREN FUCKING BODOM 10/10 - THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY NIGHT!!!! RAHHHH THEY KICKED SO MUCH ASS! I was over on the left side right next the speaker and Henkka was cool he would point at us and headbang, and Alexi did some cool shit. They were the best band I have ever seen live.
Needled 24-7
Hate ME!
Silent Night Bodom Night
Everytime I Die - (Was the best IMO)
People booed when Alexi said "This is the last one for tonight" and they started chanting WE WANT COB!
They are the greatest band live ever.

NEVERMORE 10/10 HOLY SHIT!!!! LOOMIS FUCKING OWNS. My favorites of the show were I Voyager and the River Dragon has Come, the solo in River Dragon was so fucking cool. I was right up in front to Loomis, banging my head away. My friend caught his pick, lucky bastard. Oh and Van Williams is a fucking great drummer. I want to see Nevermore again so bad.

Dimmu - 0/10 I dislike Dimmu in everyway, their stage presence was lame, with these spiked gauntlets and boots and crap, the only good song they played was In Death's Embrace. We all left after Catascym Children. And I am damned glad we did because next is the highlight of the night.

I MET ALEXI FUCKIN LAIHO!!! He signed my Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper album. He was really nice and he said he hopes they can come back on a tour of their own in the USA. He answered my friends questions about guitars amps or whatever stuff I don't understand but it was awesome shaking hands with my guitar hero.

Next I met Van Williams of Nevermore. He was really nice, signed my Enemies of Reality Cd and my Ticket Stub.

I am a proud new owner of the COB Hatecrew Deathroll Usa Tour Shirt.

Oh I almost forgot. The coolest Nevermore Moment. :hotjump:

When Nevermore were about to play the last song of the night (enemies of reality) Warrel pointed out this guy who brought his 8 -10? yr old son to the concert. And said now that is a great parent right there, he is raising his kid the right way the metal way. Loomis goes over and picks the kid up and bring him on stage. The kids is all headbanging and giving the \m/ sign and having a great time. It was a cool scene to witness. :rock: :rock: :rock:
hahah awesome about the kid!
Yes Bodom owns live! i didnt really get to talk to Alexi Laiho but he did let me get a picture of him when he was meandering around the venue...he seems like a really cool guy...thats awesome you got to meet him!
sounds like you had an awesome time! \m/
Maharet said:
hahah awesome about the kid!
Yes Bodom owns live! i didnt really get to talk to Alexi Laiho but he did let me get a picture of him when he was meandering around the venue...he seems like a really cool guy...thats awesome you got to meet him!
sounds like you had an awesome time! \m/

Yeah it was great, one of the best nights of my life. Yeah Alexi didn't stay long though,We just exchanged a few words of praise and future touring plans questions and etc, he signed my stuff and my friends stuff and was out. But thats ok I don't expect him to have a 2 hour conversation with me or nothing, touring has to be a pain in the ass. Just shaking his hand telling him he rules and getting his autograph was good. Van Williams was cool too he was very nice and was like excited to sign stuff hehehe.

One of the crew members had I think 6 30pack cases of booze and more and was loading into the Bodombus while we were talking to Alexi. :lol:
HAHAHAHA!!! When Nevermores bus finally stopped and unloaded in San Fran, Jim and Van immediately headed out to find a liquor store! I know because i saw them return with many bottles of booze...i also saw a big ass case of beer on the dash of their bus....Bodoms bus was a ways down from where we were chillin so i didnt see much action over there...
Wolftribe said:
can't wait till this saturday!!

What was nevermore's setlist?

Hmm this is what I can remeber Not sure if they are in right order but it was something like this

Narcosynthesis - opener
7 Tongues of God
Never Purify (I believe not quite sure)
The River Dragon Has Come
I Voyager
The Sound of Silence
Enemies of Reality