Alright, how bad is this

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
(Singer/Recording Engineer to guitarist, while tracking drums)

S: Can you play that part, so we can hear how it aligns with the drums?

G: Sure. *Plays it pretty fast and sloppily, kinda just fumbling through the part in focus*

S: Um, could you play it a bit slower?

G: Okay. *Continues to play the riff at the same speed a couple of times, and seems to be playing that particular part different each time*

S: Come on man, just play it slow.

G: *Keeps on the same way, and when asked to focus on the part just looks like he isn't sure what he is doing*

S: So, what? You don't know the part? Come, how do you play it? You wrote it didn't you?

This is the part where one could mention that the band has been playing this song for about two years, and performed it live about a dozen times.

G: Yeah, just let me....Well..... I just checked the tab, and just kinda played it you know, I just played it. I thought it sounded good so whatever.

At this point everyone starts laughing together, but sob on the inside at the macabre somber of the situation. This is pretty much the lead guitarist of the band. Playing a song that he wrote, and has played and practiced for two years. And his idea of sounding good is taking four notes and just mashing them together between the chord changes. (Of course, with way to much gain for anyone to notice)
Eek, harshness - and I hope that last sentence doesn't mean you expect him to read it here! :ill: Still, I can imagine it'd make baby jesus cry, and I totally know the type!
Metaltastic: Hah, no I don't. He def doesn't hang around here. I'm just exhausted after an insane week of tracking drums with him over my shoulder, and listening to his bitching whenever the drummer (who is a really cool guy) fucks up, while he obviously can't even play his own shit.

Gojira: They're everywere it seems, but I just can't imagine how the hell they operate. How the fuck does your mind function when just puking a bunch of notes in the middle of a riff is an acceptable way of playing? AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE EVERYTIME WE TELL HIM TO PRACTICE HE JUST ANSWERS THAT HE DOESN'T NEED TO BECAUSE HE ALREADY KNOWS HIS SHIT WHEN WE TIME AFTER TIME PROVE THAT




Metaltastic: Hah, no I don't. He def doesn't hang around here. I'm just exhausted after an insane week of tracking drums with him over my shoulder, and listening to his bitching whenever the drummer (who is a really cool guy) fucks up, while he obviously can't even play his own shit.

Gojira: They're everywere it seems, but I just can't imagine how the hell they operate. How the fuck does your mind function when just puking a bunch of notes in the middle of a riff is an acceptable way of playing? AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE EVERYTIME WE TELL HIM TO PRACTICE HE JUST ANSWERS THAT HE DOESN'T NEED TO BECAUSE HE ALREADY KNOWS HIS SHIT WHEN WE TIME AFTER TIME PROVE THAT





Why do I waste my time with these assholes? If I die tonight, would I like this to be my last memory?

I was in a similar situation back in the day. Trust me dude, get rid of this fuck. You will pay a price later if you don't.
I've been in a situation like this. The band's then-lead guitarist, who kinda pissed me off because he wanted to basically solo over EVERYTHING, but what he was doing didn't fit the music, and he was set on playing this really under-distorted, low-volume, 4-note bullshit...his playing, in contrast to the rest of the band, reminded me of a retarded rabbit pissing next to a bear. HA!

Anyways, he decided...during his time to record his parts...that he was going to *write* his part then so it would be set-in-stone then. He basically just pissed everyone off. "You have been playing this song for how long, and now you are coming up with stuff that you havn't practiced to be done during the recording?" It was good times...especially because they asked me to delete everything he did and wanted me to play on the recording in his place. I felt bad for him..but in all reality, you write your own ticket in a situation like that.