The Drapery Falls Bass


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Aug 1, 2002
Richmond, VA
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I just got home from my bass lesson and became a bit dissapointed when I looked over the bass part my teacher had written down for me for The Drapery Falls. The beginning is pretty good until it got slower. The little part where it gets a little heavy, he wrote this:
D 7------------------------ 5--5- (h7)
A --7---7---------------7-----------0
E ---5----1--3--5--5

That part sounds pretty good when I play it, so I'm hoping that is right. The real problem is when it gets to the growling part. He does the same thing up to the third A. Then he just says G#, G, B, B. Do whole notes for that. And then, do G#*12, G*12, B*24. After looking at the downloadeed video of them, I can DEFINITELY tell the bassist is not playing that. What exactly is he playing during that part?

Oh, and the part when it's just like "dun dun... dun dun" at around 5:50, he said to do this:
D ----------3
A -----0h2----------0h2
E 0h4----------0h4-----3--2p0

Is that right at all? Thanks.