Alright, I know you social skills lacking goons went and saw Revolutions...


I don't know where to place this movie. I need some time and distance to gauge my love for it. I also need to see it again at the Imax (I saw it at my shitty local regal). To me the true judgement of a sequel is: "can it stand alone?" Star Wars Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back stands alone. The Godfather Part II stands alone. And of course Weekend At Bernies II :D It was a good ending, but some of it made me "WTF" or "why the fuck did we go thru Reloaded just to wind up here anyway :mad: But they wrapped in a cool way, the movie had that epic quality to it. Lawrence Fishburne was his bad ass self. Not enough of him in this one. ANd Will Smith's wife: HOT HOT HOT. Could have used more of her body.
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