Alright people.


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
Its time to get playing again, we're slacking even more. hell, ive been slacking slightly recently. But get on those servers and PLAY. how many people do we have in this clan? 25+? and how many people actually play? 5? need.....more.....activity
maybe its time to do some "clan cleansing".... in other words, maybe sending PM's to the people that don't play or have ever played and ask if they are gonna.... i don't think we should have so many people in the clan if such a high amount of them dont even play. what do you guys think?
DarknessEternal and I had a game today :) I'm playing a lot at the moment. Summer holidays = lots of playing, and they're nearly here.
I recently got a job, and with the newfound source of income I've been buying all the console games I've wanted to play over the past year or so. Between work, console gaming, and the occassional brief social interaction, there isn't much room left for UT. Not that I've stopped playing or anything, I just have some diversions at the moment.
TrevJ said:
I recently got a job, and with the newfound source of income I've been buying all the console games I've wanted to play over the past year or so. Between work, console gaming, and the occassional brief social interaction, there isn't much room left for UT. Not that I've stopped playing or anything, I just have some diversions at the moment.
He said it all for me. I worked full time and I've been hooked on Morrowind lately. Aside from that and friends, I don't have a whole lot of time. I'm still keeping the clan sig, as I plan on jumping back in, I just dont have so much time as I'd like...
HarmonyDies.... said:
I'm practicing hard. Just I don't get how the buddy list works, and where is our website?
Have you added us yet? If you haven't: click on any server with people in it, right-click on a player's name and click "add to buddy list". Edit the name to =UM=* and anyone with the =UM= tag will be on your buddy list. (Then obviously just go to the "buddies" section and if one of us is playing the server we're on will show up.)
Website is dead, host kicked me off :(

As for my playing, well, I still need to get a replacement graphics card and reformat my HDD. I was meant to do that a month ago, but I haven't had the time.
Sunlapse said:
i havent seen you one in a really long time Int. how often do you play nowadays? and when do you guys play?

i tend to play in the afternoon, but mostly 7pm-2am eastern time.
I'm still playing quite a lot. The main problem here is that your 7pm-2am is my midnight-7am.
I play quite a bit still. I usually play between midday and 1 am. No school now and I don't have a lot to do really :)

Last person I played was Sunlapse a few weeks ago, and I kicked his ass ;) (Heh, nah, he slaughtered me mostly I think) But before that I don't think I'd played anyone for a while.

Clan cleansing sounds like a good idea, and we should get a website together and challenge some other clans or something.
First thing we need is a server IMO, that'll get us playing together more. The problem is finding one which gives everyone a decent ping, since we have members from all over. :erk:
Aecliptica said:
alright home boys, i shall be playing like a total loser
I was on that LMS server from about 10pm-4am :oops: (mind you about 5 of us were there for the same length of time)


btw I've seen you, 'cakes and kanyon recently, good to see people playing.