Alright so who are the girls here?

Im Johanna and Im very much a woman.

jeeez Im so bored. Hello!

NP: Deathspell Omega - Knowledge of the.. bla bla bla. WHERE IS THE NP THING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excess said:
Girl here too, but my friends (and even myself) sometimes forget that. I'm just one of the boys and I'm fine with that. But then I remember that I don't have a penis and realize that I am, actually, a girl anyway :p

Excess said:
I'm a festivalfreak you know. This summer I went to 9 different festivals (even thought 2 of them where only for one day so maybe that does'nt count) and three expensive gigs (Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper.) Hope that I can afford as much next summer too, because it was the greatest summer of all time!

Excess said:
problably very drunk also hehe

hey girl, i like you :) ! you're exactly like me :p. went to 9 fezzies last summer and 10 this summer (+there was one in february, too), and it's been the greatest time of the year for sure. awaiting the festival season every year :kickass:
i think, my name says everything....i´m a girl :) but well, my mum has always said that i´m like a boy :lol: when i was a child, i was always running around outside with my friends and we´re climbing up on trees and such shit :) but it was really cool. i hated to play with dolls but i loved playing with cars, hehe...
TheSeldomlaid said:
Lucky little girl :p But being backstage can't be as much fun as being out in the crowd :D
Kolbotn is about...30 minutes from the festival :) I know where that is, yeah. Sounds like a blast :D
I guess we should meet up at at least one festival, yeah :D At least if you're touring them all :) But Wacken seems like the obvious choice! Just look for the pink-bearded Norse guy next to a tall Scot, and you've found me :D

And when it comes to this years Wacken, I actually managed to save my shoes :) Took two days to clean them, but now they're good as new!

Well that depends, sometimes it's nice to go somewhere where you don't have to stand in the bar and wait for like 15 minutes just to get a beer hehe. It's just nice to go somewhere ehm.. less chaotic. And got lots of friends that work on the festival so I want to be able to go see them too, since I only see them once a year. But the most time i spend at the festivalsite (non-backstage) and at the campingsite :grin:

Ok, Wacken it is! :p
Dude, your shoes made it? Mine did'nt, they broke after three days so I had to tape them, and at the time I got home they where not to be used any more haha. And I barely managed to clean them up. Damn dirt!
Sister Of Sorrow said:
hey girl, i like you :) ! you're exactly like me :p. went to 9 fezzies last summer and 10 this summer (+there was one in february, too), and it's been the greatest time of the year for sure. awaiting the festival season every year :kickass:

Now THAT'S my kind of girl!:wave:

Last summer I cound't go to too many because I had to work. Think it was like 5 or 6. That's why I'm starting to save money already til next year so I don't have to work :grin: I'm still in school and also, I live alone so there's not much money to save though :erk: Damn bills...
damn. i'm a girl and i have no idea how many times i must say it to my friends !
"Hey, do something to your hair or make up, you look like a boy" :hypno: and that's not true. :bah: :lol:
With the advent of laptop computers..... Yes you can :)

What amazes me most is my laptop AND desktop computer are 100% porn free....
-Gavin- said:
With the advent of laptop computers..... Yes you can :)

What amazes me most is my laptop AND desktop computer are 100% porn free....

Yes you can, but it's still not as easy. I know I don't take my laptop with me everywhere :p

No pron? Yeah, right and I am santa claus, Ho-Ho-Ho :rolleyes: