Alrighty Then...


Angry Metal Guy
Apr 18, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey guys, I haven't been around in a while...

I picked up some new CDs, one of which being My Arms Your Hearse...yowza! The fucking CD rules!! What's your favourite song off of it? I'd have to say mine is When.

I also picked up Zyklon, Thorns, Ulver (perdition city - with the super big booklet), and...Final Fantasy 6 Original Sound Version!!! METAL!!!! :p
ARil Ethereal Man!!!

From the HAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa, in the beginning which is liek a fall from grace or decent to earth or seomthign, immediately followed by guitar riffs that take off like a rocket speeding nowhere, to the "I willhillll eluuuuuuuudde, HIIIIIIIIDDDEE AHAWAAAAAAAYYYYYEEEEEEE, I will upon the scythe....." That part drives my veins crazy man! MY favorite song off of MAYH
Wasn't it just a month ago when everyone was creaming over Demon of the Fall? ;)

When.. but it's also up there with the Amen Corner, the unsung hero of the album, IMO. Always loved the drumming in that one! And Epilogue is so relaxing, has more musical flow, and a definite "vibe" that sets it apart...
Demon of the fall IS awesome, but my favourite on this album is still When.

When can I take you from this place

It's just sooo good
When I got MAYH, I put the lyrics in a email, and sent it to everyone I knew. I had just been so impressed... can't say to many other people were.
maybe it doesn't go down as easy as verse verse chorus verse chorus, but it sure makes me happy.

When definitely is one of the finest songs ever heard by man (or woman)kind.