Alrighty, time for us to do a tribute album....

hm, i might be interested
but i cant do vocals so itd be a bit interesting
maybe someone would want to do vocals for whatever song i end up recording... not that it would be super quality but oh well...
Yeah OK, I'll give it a go. Vocals will be interesting, I trashed my throat majorly doing death vocals for that comp Katatonia ran a while back, but what the hell :lol:

I feel a doom rendition of Opeth coming on (I have no choice in that regard, everything I do ends up doom regardless of if I tried to or not).

I'm gonna have some spare time in about a month, so anyone out there without recording gear, if you wanna tab out some stuff, I'll have a go at putting it together/ generally screwing with it etc... Chuck me a personal message if you want.
digital programs that do multitrack recording are easy to get in the warez comunity....then again you need nice hardware and a mixer or something of the short to make it even worth the trouble
Have no fear, My Band Hammering Moss will be contributing. =)

OH OH! I fear! I fear! :p

Nah, this is a killer idea. Yeah, anyone that has musical talent, get to working. Anyone with artistic talent, get working. I don't know of any other way (other than support at shows) that you could show your appreciation for a band. They'd appreciate whatever was sent in to this effect IMO.

All random music from a bunch of admirers who are either just starting out or have been making music already. Like, if someone could play the guitar for a song, but had no drums (like I heard a few times) that'd still be pretty cool. To hear that part played out correctly. Any change in the vocals (say, to doom) is still a tribute to the band. I think it's a good idea.

Although, it's going to be tough. It's been mentioned before, but not in such a freely creative way of course. Instead of trying to cover specific songs, it's redo a song however you want.

Now that's artistic. ;)

"Time grows short. As the piper plays his time."
hell guys & girls, this is one good idea.
forget the part with programming the drums. if you have some material, i'd like to add my minor skills to this just cause.
programming... tsts. heretics!
till, which format should be used?
After pondering upon the idea for a while I decided that I shall give it a try. Expect a medley of tedious length..! I have tried a few things out and I know I will feature parts from BWP's title track, White Cluster, some riffs that have not found their place in any Thus Perish song and perhaps some Advent thrown in.

This ought to be interesting indeed!
i would love to contribute... my band was on hold until we get better equipment but we could get together to do an opeth cover perhaps. that would be great to do. maybe of "moonlapse veritgo" or "when" or something. sounds like a great idea.