Opeth Tribute Album

Moonlapse said:
So how's the album going so far?

Do you have a person or a group of people co-ordinating the entire thing? I recall the previous attempts all failing just because things fell apart.

Yeah, we're kind of organised, to the point where its not so much an album now. We have a whole website to fill as a tribute to Opeth, with obviously the music as the main attraction, but also we want to make a whole mini site as a dedication to the band with artwork and other Opeth inspired things. If anyone here wants to help with either music or artwork or the more technical side of things such as website design then just sign up and let us know!
Moonlapse said:
So how's the album going so far?

Do you have a person or a group of people co-ordinating the entire thing? I recall the previous attempts all failing just because things fell apart.

Yeah we have a pretty good thing going here, we would probably have enough material at the moment to fill at least half an album, but yeah we obviously want a lot more people to contribute. I would give vampyrouss the credit as the main person co-ordinating this thing, but we have a few people keeping this thing going, including tubbs and lady valerie so I very much doubt that its going to fall apart.

Moonie, I heard your cover of "The Amen Corner" a while back and it absolutely ruled. Why don't you contribute something?
dishcloth said:
Yeah we have a pretty good thing going here, we would probably have enough material at the moment to fill at least half an album, but yeah we obviously want a lot more people to contribute. I would give vampyrouss the credit as the main person co-ordinating this thing, but we have a few people keeping this thing going, including tubbs and lady valerie so I very much doubt that its going to fall apart.

Yes our dedicated swarm of mods lol. Its alright though, everyone on there is really dedicated so far and making it work, I'm proud of everyone working on it, and if anyone connected to the band ever sees it I hope they enjoy our tribute to Opeth!

And as always if you have a talent that would benefit the project join up and help, we need artwork computer experience and of course the more people who can contribute songs the better! :grin:
Well I've put a lot of effort in it... In fact it's the best sounding piece of music I made, none of my solo stuff sounds that good lol... But unfortunately I will have acces to my computer only until friday so I guess I don't have enough time to prepare anything else... besides my favourites are already taken
I think that Masters Apprentice would be good. I can do Leper Affinity and Harvest among others. How do you guys feel about either of these? Can anyone else play these as well?
:Wreath: said:
It's done!

Man, that's awesome. I mean, you actually IMPROVE some of the musical ideas. I feel like, musically, if Mike did it now, he would totally have bits like the extra bits you but in. The bluesy playing, the vocal harmonies etc. And the vocals are good. I mean, not Mike, but still really good. Excellent job, I'm really fucking impressed.

You're really good :grin:
EveOfDarkness said:
I'm going to do the Leper Affinity. All i need is someone to do death vocals (and maybe clean, i can do cleans ok). But im doing guitars and bass. Any takers for the vocals?

Sorry, but don't be discouraged! Lots more Opeth songs in the sea, especially older ones!
Anything off Morningrise!! :grin:
Unless anyone is already doing anything from it?
I should really remember these things...

But I don't instantly recall anyone doing any of those songs!