Alternate Reality - Check this out!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I am not even going to bother with my comments on this...
I am curious what YOU all think!!!

Maybe you all already know about these guys.
I certainly am not up on newer bands.....

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The worst part of that is after the long intro with all the actors wearing armor and wielding swords, the band finally starts playing... and they have short hair and they're wearing t-shirts and horn rimmed glasses. What a bunch of fucking posers. This reminds me of Killswitch Engage's video for "Holy Diver."

Also, their version of the Arthur legend is really screwed up. I realize that's hardly worth mentioning considering all the other crap going on there, but I had to say it. Why would Arthur be against the druids when his closest, most trusted adviser is Merlin?
The worst part of that is after the long intro with all the actors wearing armor and wielding swords, the band finally starts playing... and they have short hair and they're wearing t-shirts and horn rimmed glasses. What a bunch of fucking posers. This reminds me of Killswitch Engage's video for "Holy Diver."

Also, their version of the Arthur legend is really screwed up. I realize that's hardly worth mentioning considering all the other crap going on there, but I had to say it. Why would Arthur be against the druids when his closest, most trusted adviser is Merlin?

exactly....that is what is so funny about it. Not just anyone cant write fantasy stuff correctly.
No, that isn't really what I meant. Since they look like hipsters, that means they don't really like metal and are just doing this to make fun of metal and us. If they were wearing wizard costumes or chains and leather, they'd still be hipsters, but I wouldn't bother trying to figure out if they were or not. I'd just write them off as morons and forget about them.
So once again thus proving image IS important.
If they had long hair and wore flowy silky shirts many would be saying, "wow. They put some effort into the video"
So once again thus proving image IS important.
If they had long hair and wore flowy silky shirts many would be saying, "wow. They put some effort into the video"

I think is what it terrible is the vocals. Doesnt matter that they are not dressed up all in fantasy clothes. Like Dave said....I think it is more of a goof than anything else. These are not hipsters....I would say more "bros" that are into the music but really dont get it.

Look at Blind Guardians image...they dont dress all silly. They just wear normal clothes.

There are bands that need the image to help sell them. Most black metal bands would look silly if they wore normal clothes on stage.
OK Bob....
And all the bands you are now a fan of who wear denim vests over their leather jackets covered every inch by patches?
That's not an image?

Sure, some bands do it more than others, but to say image in music is NOT a factor is absurd.

Oh, and for the record, yes. The vocals on that track were horrid!
OK Bob....
And all the bands you are now a fan of who wear denim vests over their leather jackets covered every inch by patches?
That's not an image?

Sure, some bands do it more than others, but to say image in music is NOT a factor is absurd.

Oh, and for the record, yes. The vocals on that track were horrid!

I never said the vest thing isnt an image.

the worst thing about that video is the amount of money and time put into it and the payoff of it being a terrible band is the icing on the cake.
Image can be a really subtle thing. As far as I'm concerned, if your band "doesn't have an image", then that IS your fucking image!
If you're gonna have a band, you should at least look like you all came from the same place, or have similar interests. First impressions, right?

I had a power metal band that did very well regionally over here. We all had long hair, and our bassist was bald, covered in tattoos and piercings, and he wore camo shorts and bright, stupid t-shirts onstage. Looked like he came from a completely different band. After we all sat down, found some key elements about our sound that people could relate to. We fashioned a "uniform" of sorts based on that. We all bought black button-up shirts, black jeans, and our female singer would wear this nice evening dress in a colour that matched our backdrop. We all did stuff to our uniform depending on our personal styles, I would roll the sleeves up, our guitarist likes the long-sleeve thing, and our bassist took the sleeves off completely.

After going over photos and videos of our gigs, we looks way better and people definitely reacted to it, and it wasn't exactly a costume, it was all clothes that you might wear out on a date to the theater or something. But the unified look can tie a band together. So I don't think it's a bad thing at all. I tend to prefer the more subtle looks though.
Image can be a really subtle thing. As far as I'm concerned, if your band "doesn't have an image", then that IS your fucking image!
If you're gonna have a band, you should at least look like you all came from the same place, or have similar interests. First impressions, right?

I had a power metal band that did very well regionally over here. We all had long hair, and our bassist was bald, covered in tattoos and piercings, and he wore camo shorts and bright, stupid t-shirts onstage. Looked like he came from a completely different band. After we all sat down, found some key elements about our sound that people could relate to. We fashioned a "uniform" of sorts based on that. We all bought black button-up shirts, black jeans, and our female singer would wear this nice evening dress in a colour that matched our backdrop. We all did stuff to our uniform depending on our personal styles, I would roll the sleeves up, our guitarist likes the long-sleeve thing, and our bassist took the sleeves off completely.

After going over photos and videos of our gigs, we looks way better and people definitely reacted to it, and it wasn't exactly a costume, it was all clothes that you might wear out on a date to the theater or something. But the unified look can tie a band together. So I don't think it's a bad thing at all. I tend to prefer the more subtle looks though.

exactly. this is what I stand behind. Nothing worse that 1 or 2 guys in the band who stand out completely. It is an eye sore to watch live. I have seen so many bands like that in the punk scene and metal scene.

It is a debate that could go on forever in th realms of message board wars.
For me it's simple. If you're in a band, then look like you're in a band. You don't need to be the Sabaton brigade (though I think that's awesome), but you need to not look like you just got off work at an IT help desk or Kinkos. Image matters.
Yeah, subtlety is a key factor.
You can do it nicely without OVER doing it.

A black button down, dark jeans, black boots or shoes, etc, goes a long way.
Showing in light or faded jeans, running shoes, and a ratty t shirt makes you look like you aren't ready to play live.

And for the record, the SABATON look is stupid as hell.
Oh, come on. All of their songs are about battles and war, so camo pants totally make sense. I'm not sure what the deal is with the singer's vest though. If I had a six-pack like his I'd never wear a shirt at all.
And while we're talking about appearances and stage presence; if you're a singer in a power or heavy metal band, you'd better do more than just stand there. Watch Iron Maiden and Judas Priest concert clips until you get it right!