Alternatives to Mackie Big Knob for local control?


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
The Mackie will do exactly what I need, but its $300 and is way more than I need. I've looked at the Samson C Control but I can almost feel that thing sucking just by looking at a JPEG.

The SM Pro M Patch looks really nice at only $99 but no headphone control. =(

Any other ideas in the $100 - $179 area that offer can control?
Andy Sneap said:
you get what you pay for, remember that. Pre Sonus do a good range in the cheaper end of things.

+1 for the PreSonus Central Station. A bit more expensive than the Big Knob. Check their website for all the specs and features, but I love mine. Sounds great, decent headphone amps, and the LED meter is pretty badass.
i have been using the samson c-control for over two years now and it has treated me pretty well. i do want to upgrade to something nicer in the near future(presonus, coleman or something). from what ive read about the samson, you either get one that is good and will last you awhile or you get one thats screwed right out of the box. mine works as it is supposed to and i have been pleased. its alittle noisy when you turn the volume up and i can help but wonder what kind of color it is adding to what im hearing. for 100.00 bucks though, theres nothing better for sure.
Yeah, the Big Knob is a decent unit. I don't think that there's anything cheaper out there with as many features.
I got the Big knob, its a fun little unit. Lots of features and you have pretty much control of all you monitoring and talk back. Only downside, from what I understand is, it colors your sound. The Presonus central station seems to be better in that department. I'll probly get one in the near future.
Big Knob > all. Unless you go with the Central Station...but that's more money.

I love our BK at the studio. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Thanks a ton for the replies, guys. I just dumped quite a bit of coin on an RME, so its between the behringer or that HP4.

I did not even realize that the HP4 Presonus did mon's as well. Good to know!