Am I getting the most out of my monitors?


Kintsugi is coming
Feb 18, 2007
Gloucester, UK
Recently I moved into a new house and my mixing setup changed (new room, new desk, new layout). Mixes I've been producing have sounded good to me through my DAW but when played through other people's computers or even through something like iTunes (flat EQ) haven't really been up to scratch as before. I am starting to wonder if I have got my monitors set-up as well as I can for the room. I own a fairly decent pair of Event ALP5's, but they currently sit about 2' apart either side of my computer monitor on my desk which is just a 1" thick piece of painted wood. I sit directly in front of the monitor, which leaves each monitor about 2' in front of me, each one about 30 degrees either side of centre. The monitors also sit at about chest height rather than head height. I've attached a link to a photo of the setup so you guys get an idea of what I mean. I've also attached a link to a picture of the room so you can get an idea of size etc.

Can any of you suggest some improvements for me? Should I have the monitors set-up somewhere totally different? Could I use some acoustic treatment (although I'm reluctant as I'm only staying in the hosue for about a year)?

Any suggestions appreciated, cheers!

My Desk:

Click Here

Room Pic 1:

Click Here

Room Pic 2:

Click Here
The Events are nice, I had them for a year before getting a pairs of HS80M's. First of all, get them a bit further from the wall/window. Secondly, raise them to your ear level and put them on a pair of absorbing pads or stands. Third, yeah, get some DIY-treatment. You can easily make them mobile enough to take with you when you move out, just avoid the mistakes I made. Tip: Hammer, nails and the concrete walls of a rented flat equals... Well, I hope the owner won't notice the missing pieces of concrete when I move out.

I'm not sure what height your ears are on but you could decide to raise your monitors level with your ears so the space between the tweeters and the speakers is at the same height as your ears.

EDIT: wanking tissues also spotted. Don't tell me you have the cold. Enjoy the redtube!
haha sadly they are not wanking tissues guys, this is me and my girlfriend's room, i prefer my porn in person hehe. i've taken some action with the monitors, read a little about monitor angles (triangle rule etc) and i've also put each monitor on a load of textbooks i've got so that they're at head height. have also ordered some auralex mopads to get some sonic isolation from my monitors and whatever is underneath them - read some really good reviews and at £40 it was affordable. Could somebody please give me some advice about what to place behind my monitors and computer screen? I currently have 3 large windows with a windownet in between. I was wondering if I could somehow build some portable boards with acoustic treatment on them? What sort of thing might work? Sorry for all the questions but I've got no idea whether I'd be using diffusers or absorbers etc

haha sadly they are not wanking tissues guys, this is me and my girlfriend's room, i prefer my porn in person hehe.

No, dude, you see, that's what you tell the girl. We can handle the truth. Actually I don't even say that to the girl anymore, told my ex the usual "baby, I don't need no porn 'cause I got you" and she bought it until she overheard one of my friends ask me if I could burn my famous ass-collection on a CD-R for him. Oh well.

i've taken some action with the monitors, read a little about monitor angles (triangle rule etc) and i've also put each monitor on a load of textbooks i've got so that they're at head height. have also ordered some auralex mopads to get some sonic isolation from my monitors and whatever is underneath them - read some really good reviews and at £40 it was affordable. Could somebody please give me some advice about what to place behind my monitors and computer screen? I currently have 3 large windows with a windownet in between. I was wondering if I could somehow build some portable boards with acoustic treatment on them? What sort of thing might work? Sorry for all the questions but I've got no idea whether I'd be using diffusers or absorbers etc


Sure. Here's how I built my absorbers with wooden frames:

You can easily make them portable, the panels are really light and if you want a couple of them behind the monitors, you can just put them on the windowboard. But be sure to treat other parts of the room, too :)