Am i the only one that watches Battlestar Galactica?

I watch all the time.

I am bothered by the " human cylons " but other than that it's great.

They took elements of the original and created a little more peril.

Next week they encounter the PEGASUS and commander Caine !!! :headbang:
Wolftribe said:
Yeah but you gotta admit, that asian chick is wicked hot.

Oh, I totally agree, all of the female Cylons are hot, but still I miss the old machine Cylons.
I miss the cool grating voices " By your command "

I do like the fact that the Cylons ships are actually Cylons, it makes sense to me. Why would a machine need to Pilot a ship, why not just have the machine BE the ship. To me that makes sense.
DreamNeonBlack said:
that's tough, but Babylon 5 would probably win, only because they had giant planet destroying weapons!

As far as series vs. series they both are great, very different though.

well I meant the ships themselves, I didn't know what Galactica has to offer

so how about Talyn vs Excalibur (that cheesy ship whose captain was the boss from office space)
Chromatose said:
haven't ever seen any of that one, just the hilariously bad original series

I was going to just say this exact same thing, but in some sort of quantum paradox.. I already had .........