Am I the only one who think that wildest dreams it´s an extremely weak song?

Couldn't tell ya yet. Hopefully I'll get to hear it soon. I didn't get to hear the broadcasts online or anything due to other crap goin on.

It's ok tho, I'm sure it's cool :)
Hmm if that's the version I'm thinkin, I heard it. It was too muffled to tell.

If not, no biggie. I'm just kinda like meh at this point. I'd rather have it on a shiny cd to listen to in headphones :D

Thanks tho :)
Its not the greatest single Maiden has done plus I have only heard a crappy bootleg version so that's really no way to really judge it. I guess I will wait when I see them live at Verizon.
I wasn't too keen on it at first. But, I've given it several listens (and the attention it deserves) and it is a better song than I first thought. Not amazing (and not a classic - yet!), but I think it's catchy and rocking.

Reminds me of Wasted Years in it's radio friendliness and basic rocking happyness.
I'm waiting til I can hear the studio version. I'm not holding out any expectations for the album as a whole, so I hopefuly won't be too disappointed. If it's better than BNW I shall be moderately pleased.
I haven't heard any more than the muffled MP3, so I won't count that for or against the song. After having half of BNW downloaded a month before the release, I'm waiting to have the whole album this time before I listen to a studio version of anything!
TravisW said:
I haven't heard any more than the muffled MP3, so I won't count that for or against the song. After having half of BNW downloaded a month before the release, I'm waiting to have the whole album this time before I listen to a studio version of anything!

I drove through Fargo last summer at night. I was funny b/c it was like a huge oasis in the middle of Siberia. There was nothing for hours then all of a sudden there was Fargo.