Am I using a wrong vocals technique?

Flow Of Time

Oct 6, 2012
*vocal technique...

Hey guys,
I somehow can't get my vocals sound right.. It lacks that nice grit but has a lot of annoying rattle to it...
Here's a short clip of the unprocessed vocals:

Do you think I am using a wrong technique? Is my microphone wrong for that purpose? (

PS: The screams don't hurt, I practiced like 3 hours yesterday and my throat was fine^^
Thank you very much for your reply!
Would you classify the technique I am using as fry, or false chord, from what you're hearing in the clip?
The microphone isn't going to matter as far whether or not you can do it. That being said, you seem to have the basic technique down. Practice trying to do different tones and pitches and see what you like. Practice practice and more practice
Thanks for the replies again, guys :)
Could someone point out, where the "problem zone" could lie (e.g. "add more clean voice to it", or something)? I know that's hard with only that clip to judge from^^

Anyway, thanks a lot already. Good to hear, that I'm not doing it completely wrong. I'm going to keep on practicing :)
"wrong" is it only as long as you don't want it to sound like that ;) (and if it hurts you)

If you want to do screams/growls then yeah, that isn't going to cut it...sounds more like a louder fry or something like that.
Doesn't even sound like you're screaming tbh...I guess it lacks compression, but I'm no vocal coach so I'd be careful with that.

I couldn't do that kind of vocals for 3 hours without my throat starting to itch tho haha
"wrong" is it only as long as you don't want it to sound like that (and if it hurts you)

If you want to do screams/growls then yeah, that isn't going to cut it...sounds more like a louder fry or something like that.
Doesn't even sound like you're screaming tbh...I guess it lacks compression, but I'm no vocal coach so I'd be careful with that.

I couldn't do that kind of vocals for 3 hours without my throat starting to itch tho haha

You could be right with the compression, I will definitely try to push a little more :)

I'm aiming for an architects kind of sound, maybe that helps, when giving advice^^
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Think that wins the award for Only Metal Video To Ever Have Ben Bernanke In It.

The Architects vocalist is definitely screaming. Sounds more like you're doing a slightly higher register, talking-level thing that might be a little painful for your throat. Then again, I'm not the greatest vocalist myself, but just my .02.
If you're after that type of tone etc then I would be inclined to say that you're doing a completely different style. He is singing and allowing the pressure of singing loudly to turn it into a scream (similar to how the guys in Airbourne and AC/DC are when they sing higher up). It's also a similar style as Chester Beddington. Your style is way more gutteral and open throaty... this guys is a tighter throat and higher up.

Dunno if my video will help you out?

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I've heard a lot worse, that could probably pass in a mix, but it wouldn't sound like screams obviously. Sounds like you're putting too much focus in the throat and not pushing enough to make the sound distort and sound explosive. Good growls are really impressive to hear IRL because of the amount of power and volume the guy puts out. 02_07.wav

This is one of my friends raw in my bedroom. I should probably ask him before linking.. but anyway.. :p I told him to ease down on the power here, and he's not pushing very hard.

I do more mellow, low growls for my current solo project, and they aren't very powerful intentionally, and they don't end up sounding like screams unless I really push.

Edit: Just for good measure: Argh for Pirates.mp3
These are my vocals in a shitty old (!!) production, I also crack a bit at the higher yell.. but that's not the point :D The lows in this sample are not super high in volume IRL, but still quite a bit over talking volume. My friend on the other hand is the loudest fucking guy I've heard in my entire life when he pushes it, So it works both ways. The human voice is very dynamic.
Vene, that turoial already helped a lot. I didn't have much time to practice yesterday, but I will today :)
That style you are doing is much closer to black metal raspiness than the throaty screaming your Architects video. The technique is fine (just lacking in power and volume, you probably need to warm up a bit), but the tone and style is totally different. Your performance really isn't that bad, with a bit of work and some processing, in a mix it'd work just fine.
Bumping this Thread - I practiced very much in the last few weeks, and it seems my voice just has this black-metal kind of sound to it. So I decided to accept that for the time being (probably a lame excuse, I know, I know ^^) and work with what I got.

Here's a short mix:

Feedback again, would be much appreciated!
Btw: Don't mind the lyrics, I was to lazy to write my own...