Amaran on tour - Jan 16-31, 2004

I'm back from that wonderful, incredible, great, emotional tour!
I have just spent the last 3 days 24 hours a day with all the bands, and that was soooooooo great!

The gig yesterday in Annemasse was the greatest, funniest, coolest organised mess! Everyone dressed up in funny ways to have fun with every band that was on the stage! People who were in Annemasse have surely seen the weirdest, but best gig of the tour!

I wanna thank everyone, the band members (AF, Amaran, Nightmare and Dark Moor) and all the crew for the great times I had!

A full report will come within the following week, with a lot of pictures, on stage, backstage (and I promise you there are some interesting ones), in the bus, at the gas station, anywhere hahaha!!

Moreover, the french magazine Metallian which organised this tour will publish with the next issue a DVD, with a lot of scenes from the tour. Shall I see with them how to distribute that outside France? Are there people who would be interested?
GothamDude said:
A full report will come within the following week, with a lot of pictures, on stage, backstage (and I promise you there are some interesting ones), in the bus, at the gas station, anywhere hahaha!!
Damn, I can't await your report...sounds like you had a damn good time, I wish I'd been there :p

Moreover, the french magazine Metallian which organised this tour will publish with the next issue a DVD, with a lot of scenes from the tour. Shall I see with them how to distribute that outside France? Are there people who would be interested?
definitely! Would be too cool to see that DVD!! (even for people who don't understand the slightest bit of french, like me ;))
I was at the show in Annemasse too, and that was really wonderful. I will not tell you all that append, there were so much things. Wait for the GothamDude's report ;)

Guy that was cool to meet you. I want to see your pics from yesterday's show (and the others). I'm sure some we'll be very funny :)

Metallian is availaible outside of France through their site :

Btw, I hope I'll see Amaran again soon in France (with a longer show). You rule!
I think that there will be many languages in the DVD: french, spanish, dutch, english, swedish, finnish, and tjuuterte (humm, private joke of the tour hahaha)

Yves the bass player of Nightmare is also the boss of Metallian (the magazine), i'll see with him how we can "export" the magazine :cool:
GothamDude said:
I think that there will be many languages in the DVD: french, spanish, dutch, english, swedish, finnish, and tjuuterte (humm, private joke of the tour hahaha)

what does tjuuterte means? That was weird to scream it without understand it...but funny :loco:
Gothamdude, I'm green with envy ;) Damnit, I was busy doing the dishes in the restaurant.. AARAAAARRRGGGHHHH hehehehe

No okay, now I'm lying but I would have loved seeing the last gig, 'cause then I would have seen the first and the last one :)

Gotta get me some money! :D
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Annie said:
lol tjuuterte
weird :D
hum i doubt that dvd will be released anywhere here lol :p so damn, post those reviews soooon :D and pics! and everything else! :D :D :D :D
Well, i'll try to see with the boss of that magazine how to sell it out of France (we first have to be sure that there will be enough people interested in that ;) )
Hi All,

My first post...just to say, that it was a real pleasure to see you in Bruxelles a little( i'll be late...i saw just the end of your show... :erk: )

But i was in Paris and i enjoy to go earlier to be sure to see all... :D
I profit to buy the 2 CDs and listen it each Morning during my travel to work :p ( i could just go to this 2 dates...)
for Gothamdude " t'as fais toute la tournée ??? suis dég...Veinard " in French in the text
I hope to see you soon in France for a longer show !!!!! :headbang:

Long life to you
( Sorry if my english is not good..i try to make it better every day and day and day...)
For those who cannot wait until all my pics are online:


This was taken in Annemasse :)
Hey!!! A really good pic GothamDude!!! Hope you had fun on all the gigs you attended! It was really cool to meet you, hope that our paths will cross again :)

We got home last night after travelling for like 18-19 hours (with a lot of wait)... Everything went really good for us on this tour even if we were called the "unlucky band" :) The tour was great and the rest of the bands were cool ppl and great musicians!!! A big thanks to them all!!

Tomorrow we'll be of to Finland for 4 gigs with Katatonia. I hope it'll be e lot of fun!!!
Tauredil said:
I just come back from the show in Macon (where I had the chance to interview the band :D )
Sooo...when will you put the interview online? ;) I'm really curious about that one because I only know of two Amaran interviews with Ronnie 1.0 which is 2 years old or something and one really epic interview with Micke from summer '02 ...but since then I haven't seen a single new interview...
Nico16 said:
Sooo...when will you put the interview online? ;) I'm really curious about that one because I only know of two Amaran interviews with Ronnie 1.0 which is 2 years old or something and one really epic interview with Micke from summer '02 ...but since then I haven't seen a single new interview...

I hasn't really planned to put it online because I have a radio show so I just summerized the interview for the listeners (I don't think many of them are interested in interviews in english).
But if I have the time, I'll put it here.