Ambient, desperate black metal - real drums, no samples

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
I like this! Some of it reminds me of Lord Belial a bit... Well done! I like the mix too... it's maybe a bit dark and stifling for my taste, but that can certainly still work (Ordo Ad Chao). My personal preference is for a mix to be a little brighter, but that's just my preference.
Nice job man! I'd like to hear more of this...
Thanks for the kind words, man. I agree the mix is a bit dark. I think the drums definitely need more "snap" as well.

We've got two more songs on the way - we're shooting for an EP by the end of January.

Those guitars are very grainy. You should patch that thru an amp and mic it. Sims just sound bad unless you can break it down to a science.

With that much hard work, you may as well just do it the right way.

Unless you don't have an amp lol..
Dude, this is great, the guitars sounds perfect for the style IMO, the bass is pretty prominent which is odd in the genre, but it works, and I like how you managed to get that very verby "Wolves in the Throne Room" kind of drum sound with the recorderman technique. Great job!

I think the toms could use some work, like in the parts where there's only toms, they sound too bassy with no real body or attack, but I guess there's not much you can do about that with the way you recorded it
Thanks for the feedback! I actually mic'd the toms too, but I had to do some pretty deep surgical EQ cuts because the skins were old. I'll work on them some more and see what I can do.

Audiohaus - I think the guitars sound pretty good for the genre/sound we were going for, but I agree a real amp would be better. We're going to rerecord this track as part of an album later and I plan on micing up our old Carvin tube amp.

Any other comments?