Ambient Djent school project lawl

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado

hey guys! I was assigned a "creative project" at school and couldnt come up with anything. Its pretty much a bullshit way for the Instructor to give us a final grade and still not set any "rules". So I was monkeying around on my DAW and things (like usual) and decided to right an ambient djent song, and make a slide show for it. I'll be presenting it tonight in class but for now, what do you guys think of the mix and of the slide show? Not the tones I would normally go for, as It's one of the first times I've done anything djenty, but still fun.
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Sounds good man. I pictured this in my head when I was listening.hahah.CYBERDJENT lol
Hahah no just popped in my head while I was listening to your track. If you don't mind me asking what did you use for the guitar tone?