America Wins?

America will win of course...but hope they will kill that Sadam...he must die or hope they will catch him...and burn his fucking ass soon!!!:D

but...don't believe to all as you see on could be a little fake...from both sides of warriors...
this is psyhical war remember....

see ya:headbang:
hurt him fuck him rape him i dont care.. (fuckin dont care)
hahha gotta listen to toward dead end now. COb rock and may Hussen die slowly
oh yeah America won, now you'll all get up Saddam's beheaded statue and say VICTORY VICTORY

the fact that many soldiers died doesn't take the fact that this war goes against:
1. UN's resolution
2. 90% of the population of the world
3. any kind of moral criteria
4. humanity itself, including civilians and reporters

and on top of all that, that stupid shitfuck Hussein and all his brainwashed military chiefs were going "we'll show them, they'll suffer greatly" and all that shit
if he would have quit that half arrogant half genocide (cause that's what he did, he contributed to the genocide of his people which adore him so much) in time, those +11 reporters and cameraman wouldn't have died, those thousands of civilians in residential neighbourhoods and whatnot wouldn't have died, and it would at least have been a peaceful takeover, even if it still would be totally lame from the US to jump on a smaller country to suck up its resources, and for worse, with an ally (as if its multibillion dollar military wasn't enough)

this made me lose respect for the governments of the USA, GB and Spain, even if not all of it's integrants were in agreements (some politicians even quit to show discontent)

all those coalition soldiers that died in combat (both enemy and friendly fire) and also those that were captured and tortured to death, yeah tough shit but guess what? YOU FUCKING HAD IT COMING
EagleFlyFree said:
all those coalition soldiers that died in combat (both enemy and friendly fire) and also those that were captured and tortured to death, yeah tough shit but guess what? YOU FUCKING HAD IT COMING

Exactly. That's the art of war. If you are a soldier sent out to kill, don't expect the other country's soldiers to sit there and let you kill them all.

NP: Rhapsody - Lamento Eroico
war is a disgraceful tragedy, not an art :-(
it's like an englobement of all that's gone wrong in humanity
people (civilian and non civilian alike) die, families get shattered, homes blow up, and what's worse, all in masses

Peavy Wagner of Rage wrote something that's worth gold in his last album...

All i want is my own integrity
all i want is the chance of being free
it could be heaven on earth if we are one
all i want is to end what i've begun

instead we're always two or more, and it's rather hell on earth :-/
EagleFlyFree said:
war is a disgraceful tragedy, not an art :-(
it's like an englobement of all that's gone wrong in humanity
people (civilian and non civilian alike) die, families get shattered, homes blow up, and what's worse, all in masses

Peavy Wagner of Rage wrote something that's worth gold in his last album...

All i want is my own integrity
all i want is the chance of being free
it could be heaven on earth if we are one
all i want is to end what i've begun

instead we're always two or more, and it's rather hell on earth :-/

Eagle, i could not have said it better myself! My thoughts exactly. War is never really a real victory....It has and will always be one of the worst, ugliest things humanity can do as a whole....thanks Eagle for posting your great thoughts.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
nobody wins in a war.

I totally agree with you, and EagleFlyFree! This war was a shame to humanity.
But at least it is over now, if you can trust the news..... :)

But don't let war stop us from laughing, here's a good joke I read today :D
There's a meeting of all the Saddam lookalikes in Baghdad, and their boss comes to them and says: "I have good news and bad news for you. First the good: Saddam escaped alive. The bad: He lost an arm."
If you're walking down the street and you see a guy pounding a woman into the ground with his fists do you

A)Run up and kick him in the head
B)Call a meeting of everyone on the street and attempt to get the guy off the woman by talking to him.

Saddam has been stomping his people into the ground for years. Something had to be done about it. I think its a disgraceful shame that the majority of the world won't lift a figner to help their fellow man. If the world wants to call the war "illegal", whatever, sometimes you have to take the law into your own hands to get things done. Funny how the only people not pissed at us seem to be the Iraqis themselves.
Brian said:
Funny how the only people not pissed at us seem to be the Iraqis themselves.

I know, isn't that odd? To be honest, I am getting very sick and tired of our country and our people getting thrashed by Canadians and Europeans. Well fuck, I feel another debate coming on and you all know that where there is a debate, I am there. *Insert evil laughter here*

NP: Dream Theater - The Great Debate
Brian said:
If you're walking down the street and you see a guy pounding a woman into the ground with his fists do you

A)Run up and kick him in the head
B)Call a meeting of everyone on the street and attempt to get the guy off the woman by talking to him.

C)Bomb him so that both the innocent women and the evil guy die. Then get his oil.
Raistlin1980 said:
C)Bomb him so that both the innocent women and the evil guy die. Then get his oil.

Cruel as it sounds, she would have died anyways, but at least that guy won't kill again. But come on, we both know that the military has been going out of its way to avoid civillian casualties. And why does everyone seem to think this is only about oil?