Fuck you mother fuckers. Oil IS involved in this, dumb asses.
Think about it: Iraq has NOTHING but OIL and SAND


In order for us to rebuild Iraq and get it going, we need $$$. Now, we may be kind hearted people in helping the poor Iraqis, but its not like we can just afford to fix full countries by ourselfs. We will BUY Iraqi oil, they will SELL oil, in order to get money to FUNCTION.
We don't want them to burn their oil, or prevent it from being usable, simply because OIL MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! They need the oil, or they have NOTHING.
So yeah, when you say its about OIL, I guess you are right, but it is for the BETTER GOOD for Iraq and I guess us as well
This Operation Iraqi Freedom is completely genius. We free the people, and with their own natural resources (which we are in need of) they help us rebuild their country.
Sounds like a fucking good deal to me!
We asked for 76 Billion for 30 days and using our soldiers lives to help these people, and you still think its so we can just rape these people of oil.