America Wins?

All I fucking want to say is, I've supported this war from the begining, and its funny, cause a large population of Iraqis are celebrating right now.

Some even chanting "George Bush!" with their thumbs up.

You fucking hippies were fucking wrong.

Now, I just hope we can make everything work, its going to take some time, but yeah.

Hopefuly we can make things work or start to work in Iraq before we hit up the next country, cause I know for a fact we aren't going to stop with Iraq, nor should we.
Iron-Flames said:
All I fucking want to say is, I've supported this war from the begining, and its funny, cause a large population of Iraqis are celebrating right now.

Some even chanting "George Bush!" with their thumbs up.

You fucking hippies were fucking wrong.

Now, I just hope we can make everything work, its going to take some time, but yeah.

Hopefuly we can make things work or start to work in Iraq before we hit up the next country, cause I know for a fact we aren't going to stop with Iraq, nor should we.
That is exactly right. It seems that only us and Iraqis understand what kind of person Saddam really is and the real reasons why this war is taking place. And the Iraqis support us 100%. Why? Because they understand why the war is taking place. We aren't in war just for our country, we are also helping Iraqis by trying to eliminate their evil dictator so that after the operation is complete, we can help Iraq become a better places for Iraqis to live. We aren't only helping us and Iraq, but in fact, in the long run, we are helping the whole world. That's why we have mulitple countries helping us out.

NP: Dream Theater - The Test That Stumped Them All
SSJ4SephirothX said:
It never is. If the media didn't soften the situation to the general public, people would be wreaking havoc everywhere. Saddam is the most dangerous man in the world and eliminating him is one step closer to peace.

NP: Dream Theater - About to Crash (Reprise)
well i kinda agree
some people are kinda "on saddam's side" just because the other side is Bush...
but i can tell you, that's the greatest pair of SOBs ever :p

Saddam is really a great mother fucker... But saying that the oil has nothing to do with it, like some people say, isn't saying the truth at all.
Tut Ankh Amon said:
nobody wins in a war.

Everyone will get fucked up if Saddam's sons get to the power...
they're worse than their father :p

They're missing since the beggining of this stupid war. It's hard to know the worst one. Qusai is quiet and calculist. Udai is simply dement. When they plan, Qusai thinks and Udai makes the dirty job.

But, Yanko, you have to agree with me. Saddam might be an asshole, but he's damn clever.

As salamo a-leikom
EagleFlyFree said:
the fact that many soldiers died doesn't take the fact that this war goes against:
1. UN's resolution

you obviously know absolutely jack shit about what has gone down the last 12 years. the UN has passed 3 resolutions regarding iraq. they are resolutions 678, 687, and 1441.

resolution 678 was passed on 11/29/90, soon after the invasion of kuwait. resolution 678 says and i quote, "authorizes member states co-operating with the government of kuwait .. to use all means necessary to uphold and implement resolution 660['90] and all subsequent revelant resolutions[that means 687 and 1441] and to restore international peace and security in the area."

resolution 687, passed after the liberation of kuwait, requires saddam to disarm and reaffirms 678. now since 687 reaffirms 678, and 678 allows member states, that would be the coalition of the willing at this point, to use force to disarm saddam.

now we have 1441, which tells saddam to disarm, or face serious consequences. basically the same as 687. reaffirms 687 and 678 previously passed by the UN.

now please remind me why this war is illegal when the UN said it was ok several times in the last 12 years
as far as civilians killed, about 500 or less(just a guess). and we dropped how many bombs? over 4000. hmmm, yep were trying to kill all the civilans.
The Jihad against evil christian nations will not stop with the fall of Iraq. Our holy war will extend its arms even more now that the reasons for our doing are blatant and obvious. The dominance of the evil empire of capitalism will fall, even if we have to fight for a thousand years, and Allah will see to it that the sons of Islam will be rewarded with final victory.

And then, the real new world will commence.

Long live Jihad!
Fuck you mother fuckers. Oil IS involved in this, dumb asses.

Think about it: Iraq has NOTHING but OIL and SAND (:lol:) In order for us to rebuild Iraq and get it going, we need $$$. Now, we may be kind hearted people in helping the poor Iraqis, but its not like we can just afford to fix full countries by ourselfs. We will BUY Iraqi oil, they will SELL oil, in order to get money to FUNCTION.

We don't want them to burn their oil, or prevent it from being usable, simply because OIL MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! They need the oil, or they have NOTHING.

So yeah, when you say its about OIL, I guess you are right, but it is for the BETTER GOOD for Iraq and I guess us as well :)

This Operation Iraqi Freedom is completely genius. We free the people, and with their own natural resources (which we are in need of) they help us rebuild their country.

Sounds like a fucking good deal to me!

We asked for 76 Billion for 30 days and using our soldiers lives to help these people, and you still think its so we can just rape these people of oil.
Kuvasz said:
They're missing since the beggining of this stupid war. It's hard to know the worst one. Qusai is quiet and calculist. Udai is simply dement. When they plan, Qusai thinks and Udai makes the dirty job.

But, Yanko, you have to agree with me. Saddam might be an asshole, but he's damn clever.

As salamo a-leikom
sorry girl, didn't see that statement

yes, i totally agree, he is one clever be0tch :p

i don't give a fuck if you hate me!!!!