just wanna say...

Over Broen said:
so you know about the atrocities commited during the war. my great uncle was one of the ones captured and put on a death march after the loss of hong kong he died in the camps. perhaps this gives me a bias but then again i have absolutely nothing against the japanese just their policy in ww2.

.....ehh, Ok.
Cadarn said:
hey, men! Why are you struggling so much about violence and war? First I hear stuff like death to the christians and to humanity and then all this moralism?!? Excuse me if you think Im unsensitive but Im pretty straight about expressing my thoughts.

No need for an excuse:)
Perhaps you interpret something towards morality, but in the end it mustn't mean that. The most here is still valid even if you only take the rational way.
Some stuff seems so, but it mustn't (pure interpretation, nothing more). At least for my part I can say that for sure.
ok i am officially disconnecting san francisco from the rest of America. I sit on my ass all day smokin pot drinkin beer and listening to metal. When I go places I can act as fucking insane as I want because everyone would just suspect that I am indeed insane and they would just let me be. I love San francisco. Fuck Saddam and Fuck Bush I hate politics that have anything to do with america because I dont care. Im seperated from all that shit. thats why Im so fucking stress free, because I DONT CARE. Im high and rambling.
burning creation said:
ok i am officially disconnecting san francisco from the rest of America. I sit on my ass all day smokin pot drinkin beer and listening to metal. When I go places I can act as fucking insane as I want because everyone would just suspect that I am indeed insane and they would just let me be. I love San francisco. Fuck Saddam and Fuck Bush I hate politics that have anything to do with america because I dont care. Im seperated from all that shit. thats why Im so fucking stress free, because I DONT CARE. Im high and rambling.

"I'm not as THINK as you STONED I am..."

Amazing Story..... good 4u, dude.....:Smokin:
sanityfails said:
then in another post you say about how vengence matters, i agree in some cases such as pearl harbour it does matter. but just look at the facts

june 7th '41 japanese bombed pearl harbour, 2,300 died. august 6th '45 hiroshima was bombed, by the end of '45 140,000 people were dead from either the explosion or radiation poisoning. august 9th '45 nagasaki bombed, by the end of the year an estimated 70,000 people dead.

2,300 american deaths to 210,000 japanese deaths. thats almost 100 times more. sorry but that seems a bit excessive for "payback" or "vengence" to me.
Who said payback had to be even?
Brainkisser said:
Who said payback had to be even?
im not saying it has to be getting even, just i would like to think that it could be just that. but yeah payback is never just getting even, its always getting one up on. all i was saying is that i think the degree of payback was on the excessive side. guess i could have put my point across better the first time reading it again there
sanityfails said:
all i was saying is that i think the degree of payback was on the excessive side.
Yeah I guess I can agree with that on the one hand. It is kind of hard to relate Pearl directly to Hiroshima and Nagasaki though, since there were three and a half years of war between them, and that effects the scales.

Now our fucking up Afghanistan, that was payback...
Brainkisser said:
Yeah I guess I can agree with that on the one hand. It is kind of hard to relate Pearl directly to Hiroshima and Nagasaki though, since there were three and a half years of war between them, and that effects the scales.

Now our fucking up Afghanistan, that was payback...

Now, the next question is what will do when they retalliate?
sanityfails said:
im not saying it has to be getting even, just i would like to think that it could be just that. but yeah payback is never just getting even, its always getting one up on. all i was saying is that i think the degree of payback was on the excessive side. guess i could have put my point across better the first time reading it again there
perhaps it was a bit excessive.. wait... no it wasnt because it was war. the japanese started it lets not forget.
Cadarn said:
Man! Precioussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssszzzzzz!!!! :tickled:
It wantzzz uss preciouzzzzz, master wantzzzzz it....:loco:
Very interesting discussion! But I heard that Saddam was actually captured by the Kurds who got a lot of money from the US Army for it...
And about Japan: I once read that the bombs were dropped after Japan surrendered.
Well you certainly read wrong about Japan, here's the timeline of events:
August 6th - Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
August 8th - Soviets declare war on Japan.
August 9th - Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
August 14th - Japanese surrender.
August 15th - VJ Day declared.

I'm not sure about the Kurds and Saddam part, but I doubt it. I'd suspect if they found him they'd just as likely shoot him on the spot. (That's just a guess though, not an informed opinion.)
I hate politics!! All i can say about the leader of my country(Australia) is that he follows BUSH around with his lips permanently attatched to BUSH'S ass!!!!
We will probably be the location for the next big terrorist attack just because our govt. loves the u.s.!!!It's all so fucked up!!!!

SADDAM did look pretty METAL when they got him!I heard he was in that hole with a dozen beers, a big fat joint and AMON AMARTH cranking out.
AMON AMARTH-Vs The World? or AMERICA-Vs The World? :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: