"American food".... f'ing horrible

Human Life

You looking at me?
Jul 17, 2001
Central Florida
Talk about bland, everything here is a chunk of meat or something just fried in grease. Just about every other country has great food except here. Everything is so bland you need to pile a ton of condements on it to make it tolerable. I end up putting more salt, pepper, ketsup, mustard, mayonaise, sauce, cheese etc on my food that theres more of it than what I started with. Steak, Hamburger, roast, fried chicken, yaya kill it and grill it, fucking barbaric and tastless.

I have to move to France, Mexico, or Italy, where people know how to cook.

Just be thankful your not part of a band touring Amercia from, say, England.

The variety of "food" will give you an advance case of the dreaded Tour Arse. Unsettled stomach for most of the tour. I forget who it is, but one UKHC band member had a little something running down his leg before he did a stage dive... :lol:
What part of LA do you live in? There is definitely some good, spicy cajun food there. I plan to visit New Orleans in the very near future. I have always enjoyed for the atmosphere and music scene there.

I agree, American food in general is disgusting. Whenever I eat out, I always request to go somewhere with non-American food. It makes me bitter about wanting to eat anything. I would just rather just take a pill to get my vitamins and nutrients.
I live in a gas-stop town called "Pearl River". It is just outside a better known city named "Slidell" which is about 50 miles north of New Orleans. In general, the best places to find food are in the heart of New Orleans itself, though. Also Cities like Houma and Lafayette that are best known for their seafood (and rightly so). But if you visit New Orleans, and happen to meet/know a friend who lives there, you can't go wrong. The atmosphere in New Orleans is quite amazing, as you said, and the music is great, if you dig classic jazz/blues. I like the place. One thing, though...the streets are cluttered with the most bizarre of people, and the most stereotype of people. I find it amusing that both ends of the spectrum gather in one place. One thing I find particularly annoying is when people get on the balconies of clubs and hold out Mardi Gras beads, expecting pretty young women to show their breasts, (the only ones that really do that are tourists).
American food is incredibly bland, I admit, but it grew on me since I was raised on the stuff. Still, usually order something foreign. In my opinion, the best American food is what you make at home. Forget all that take out bullshit!

My father was assigned to Ground Zero for a short time, and he bought home some burgers some guys there made on a grill. Best food I ever tasted in my life. I was in heaven. Since then I've cooked my own damn burgers and chicken. THE RIGHT WAY!
My father was assigned to Ground Zero for a short time, and he bought home some burgers some guys there made on a grill. Best food I ever tasted in my life. I was in heaven. Since then I've cooked my own damn burgers and chicken. THE RIGHT WAY

Its still crap compared to cooking your own Mole or making your own Enchiladas. Just learn to do mexican or chinese yourself you will know what heaven is, not just a mediocre pseudo food paradise
Does Lousianna really count as part of America? I always looked at New Orleans as a part of France, the same way Miami is actually a territory of Cuba :)
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
No, no, that's fine, just don't expect any local (tourists are okay) pretty young women to show their breasts on Mardi Gras.

I don't mean in the actual Mardi Gras season; this happens year round. I don't find it quite as offensive on Mardi Gras itself, (ignoring the fact that women are showing parts of themselves that they normally try their hardest to cover up, just to get a larger wad of worthless beads), but when people waste their time on it just standing there, pretending to "have fun". Seems to me that they could go get one of the pornography magazines out from under their beds, and go masturbate in the bathroom instead. They will certainly find prettier women, (in general, the cleaner ones arent willing to bear-all).

Then again, maybe that's just part of the "culture". Go figure.

Originally posted by OpethianSoul
I don't believe there are many pretty young local women in Louisiana, aside from Britney Spears.

I beg to differ...just don't expect the best looking ones to walk around topless. Britney spears is pretty, but I've seen better looking ones, (though she has got some of the best legs i have ever laid eyes upon). As usual, though, there is a very low percent of these "pretty young women" that are actually interesting or even worth talking to...don't mind the pessimism. I am a student at University of New Orleans, and I have never seen so many pretty people gathered in one place, yet I don't talk to any of them, (I exaggerate, but I don't talk to more than five of them). I don't think it's a genuine shyness, because I sometimes avoid conversation with those I know personally.

The worst part about New Orleans: the metal scene is absolute crap. The best extreme band this place has produced is Goatwhore. Otherwise it is Acid Bath. I am the only one here who knows what an "Opeth" is. :lol:

I'll be moving to Dallas soon enough, maybe then I can find some Opeth fans and the rest of a band. Hell, I might even stop giving people on message boards a barrage of information they certainly didn't ask for. Well...that last one is probably just a dream :D
I don't like Goatwhore much. Acid Bath is definitely the best band to come out of LA. I'd like to go to New Orleans soon and find some places that sell their rarer stuff. I heard that a place called Tops that sells various items has some shirts and stuff that arent' offered on Rotten Records site. I'd be interested in getting some of their stuff since it is so rare. I have an original demo tape from '93 and one of their tour shirts that is really old. I have several videos and lots of audio bootlegs. It's kind of obsessive, although I haven't listened to them very much since I got into Opeth. They still hold a certain place with me and probably always will.
who else here on this board just absolutly loves junk food? i swear, i live for junk food. i love potato chips, and i absolutly fuckin love french fries. if someone took this junk food away from me, i would be highly depressed.

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