american horror story

The whole season of this show was PERFECT.

They already announced a new season and how they plan to do it, but I won't talk about it much because I think it's kinda spoilery for anyone who hasn't finished watching this thing, but it's really how I was hoping the show would end up and I didn't expect it to actually work that way because TV show writing isn't usually at all adventurous and risk-taking like that.
I ended up watching all of the episodes myself. While I thought it was "good", I didn't feel it was nearly as good as what some of you would imply. The acting was the strongest point of the show; and it was great. The problem I had was that I would end up rolling my eyes each time they would recycle a cliche or trope that I'd already seen a thousand times in all of the horror movies I've seen. They may as well have renamed it to: The Sixth Shining Amityville Horror starring Rosemary's Baby and Bettlejuice.

That's not to say that the writers didn't add in their own twists or anything, it's just that they did less of that than riff off of other shows.
I'm thinking about watching this, but I don't care for the horror genre. Are the plot twist and writing still worth it?

If you don't care for the horror genre, does that also mean you haven't watched very many shows from it? That kind of affects whether or not you'll see the plot twists from a mile away or not.

The show is very much worth watching, but at the same time you won't be missing out by skipping it. It has a really good cast, really good acting and extremely unoriginal writing (which is odd considering who is doing it). Actually, I take some of that back. The writing is pretty good when it comes to the family drama aspect and the dialogue. It's everything else around it and the entire gimmick of the show that's not so hot.