Amesoeurs News

listening to the new album now, it's grrreat!
I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of new wave, but strangely this album has grown on me. I’m not saying it’s a new wave album, but there are new wave sounds on here, mixed with some post rock, extreme metal, and a bit of industrial. overall it's a good melancholy record.
I like it as well. I wish the black metal elements were mixed with the post punk elements more instead of each track being one or the other. Overall though, this will definitely be in my top 10 for the year.
I wrote a shitty review of it to Sputnikmusic (can't really write reviews, especially not in English). Gave it a 3.5, so yes, I like it.
I just read it and... fucking what?! Surely this is a personal problem between Audrey, Neige and his girlfriend and not with the band? Not only do I question Neige's girlfriend childishness, but Neige himself. He must be complete and utter moron.
I always thought Niege was a girl from some of the photographs I had seen. Fuck, I wanted to bend her over. Now, no way. If all this is true, and I'm not so sure it is, then Niege and his girl need to grow up.