AMOLAD CD/DVD edition available this Friday/Saturday!


Master Exploder
I was just talking to a dude at a local Leading Edge, and he said the official release date is Saturday (as we know), but many places will be selling it Friday arvo. Also, the CD/DVD version will be released first, with the standard version available in the following week. :headbang:
Groovy. Will get it after work on Friday. Might also get the new Kasey Chambers and the new Slayer.

I wonder how many people have said that last sentence before.
Two days, for the princely sum of 600 quid. (Why don't I have a pound sign on this damn keyboard?)

Cream recorded Disraeli Gears in three and a half days. It probably would have taken longer if a chauffeur hadn't turned up to take them to the airport :).

Back on topic, I've pre-ordered my 2 disc AMOLAD and expecting a phone call on Saturday. Doubt I'll pick it up before Monday though.

I stayed awake far longer than I usually do on Tuesday night waiting for Andrew Haug to play a track from the new album. When he finally did, it was one I'd already heard. Sigh...

I'm getting it now! It's not like I'm going to get a chance to listen to it straight away anyway, and I figure I listen to all my music on MP3 anyway, it'll just save me the effort of ripping myself.
I strongly doubt the album was written entirely in three weeks. Maybe they put the songs together in three weeks, but surely they had lyrics lying around and riffs already written. Methinks it wasn't written completely from scratch in 21 days.