Amon Amarth DVD

Yeah I can't await it too.

12 days to go until it will released here in Germany :p
The rest of Europe has to wait 15 days and US and Canada full 23 days. Poor guys :rolleyes:

Also the Tracklist is great. I dont know wheter you know it but here it is:
Live in Cologne (Germany) – August 16, 2005:

01. Intro
02. An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm
03. Pursuit Of Vikings
04. Ride For Vengeance
05. Masters Of War
06. The Last With Pagan Blood
07. Once Sealed In Blood
08. Bastards Of A Lying Breed
09. Fate Of Norns
10. 1000 Years Of Oppression
11. Vs. The World
12. North Sea Storm
13. Releasing Surtur’s Fire
14. Annihilation Of Hammerfest
15. Friends Of The Suncross
16. Bloodshed
17. Amon Amarth
18. For the Stabwounds In Our Backs
19. Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
20. Bleed For Ancient Gods
21. Victorious March
22. Death In Fire
+ backstage & other footage!

Live at Summer Breeze festival – August 18, 2005

01. Intro
02. An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
03. Pursuit of Vikings
04. Masters of War
05. Fate of Norns
06. 1000 Years Of Oppression
07. Vs the World
08. For the Stabwounds In Our Backs
09. Victorious March
10. Death In Fire

Live at the Metal Blade RRROOOAAARRR – October 2, 2005

01. Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds
02. Dragons Flight Across The Waves
03. God His Son And Holy Whore
04. The Sound Of Eight Hooves
05. Thor Arise
06. Fall Through Ginnungagap
07. Burning Creation
08. And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
09. Valkyries Ride
10. Pursuit Of Vikings
11. Beheading Of A King
12. Revenge Of The Zombie (SIX FEET UNDER Cover)
13. Death In Fire

Live at the Wacken Open Air 2004

Noch keine Tracklist.

Live in Ludwigsburg (Germany) 2004

01. For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
02. Vs. The World
03. Masters Of War
04. North Sea Storm
05. Thousand Years of Oppression
06. Bloodshed
07. The Last With Pagan Blood
08. An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
09. Pursuit Of Vikings
10. Fate of Norns
11. Once Sealed In Blood
12. Death In Fire
13. The Sound Of Eight Hooves
14. Bleed For Ancient Gods
15. Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
16. Victorious March

Yeah :headbang:

son_of_northern_darkness said:
Can't fucking wait for the DVD. Does anyone know where I can pre-order it (for UK devliery)?

Didn't you create the same topic with the same name down the page?:Spin:

I find it especially funny when someone complains that a certain song isn't on the thing.

"My fucking god, they've got three discs in there, you'd think they'd be able to fit *random esoteric song here*, but no, they didn't, they had to piss me off and not include it."

i agree, i'm going to be on AA overload when this DVD comes out and the last thing i'll be thinking about is what may have been left off...
but i can also understand someone being disappointed if their fave song isn't included, i guess the only recourse is to go see AA and hope they play it.
Thats fucked, no Without Fear, that was the second AA song i ever heard (First was Vic. March) and helped make AA become one of if not my favourite bands. Should have gotten rid of one of the Pursuit Of Vikings clips and put without fear in. FUCK.

CLINT! Get me that Video!!!! hahaha, do some saturday night gigs ya cunt so i can actually go!

Someone know if this super-deluxe DVD will include subtitles (english, spanish, france, etc).

Holy shit!! I've never actually heard of them playing Thor Arise anymore. Shit that's awesome one of my favorite songs and here I was thinking that everyone forgot about it. Can't wait to get my copy.