amon amarth headbang ?!

headbanging is like anything else, if you aren't used to it and try too hard, you get hurt. build up the neck muscles. Look at corpsegrinder, his neck is thicker than his head.
yeah hehe.
but for that headbanging turning your head like mad, the most amazing band i've seen doing that is Zyklon. I thought their heads would suddenly fly off.
headbanging is like anything else, if you aren't used to it and try too hard, you get hurt. build up the neck muscles. Look at corpsegrinder, his neck is thicker than his head.

I've noticed that the most impressive headbangers do it in a way that doesn't snap their necks around, windmills are good like that, as well as the "bass player's favourite," the side-to-side headbang.
I've gotten pretty good at reducing the damage done to my neck after shows. The trick is mixing it up. Stop for a few second to catch your breathe and yell or something, then get back to it. Also don't make it just a head movement. Throwing your torso in there means that you are actually moving your head with your core muscles and not just your weaker neck muscles. It still hurts after a while though.

yeah hehe.
but for that headbanging turning your head like mad, the most amazing band i've seen doing that is Zyklon. I thought their heads would suddenly fly off.

Can you point me to a video clip if there is one? I've never seen those guys perform.
Actually he is right, zyklon guys were impresive headbangers, and the other day i went to see Emperor and the Zyklon guy who plays there also did the headbang like non stop for a full song and i was scared thinking that he might have a cyborg neck or anything like that...
for the record: i guess it´s all a matter of training