Amon Amarth lyric jackets


bash master
May 18, 2001
NYC, chicago, London
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I'm always quite impressed by the layout of the jackets for Amon Amarth albums, yet there is one thing album after album that drives me crazy, or sends me tearing with laughter as the case may be. I mean, would it kill Amon Amarth to spell check at the very least before printing the lyrics? Having Johan's writing gone over by a guy who has a bit more firm a grasp of english grammar certainly would not hurt either. Although I often find that Scandanavian bands have a far better grasp of the English language than many Americans, Amon Amarth are not exactley alone in their occasional butchery of a tense or just general mispellings. Such errors are not all that abundant, and I can tell from interviews I've read with Johan Hegg that his grasp of English is pretty solid, and the mistakes have most definitely lessened over time, but they are still to be found. Thus, I hereby offer my services in the future to give the lyrics a one-over prior to their going to print. It would be my pleasure, as I'm sure would be true for any native English speaker in here to check out the lyrics and help out the band in this way.

...I hope this wasn't too much of a's 1:10 in the morning and I'm not even halfway through with a term paper worth 25% of my grade in a class due tomorrow morning.
heh, fair enough...but even an American can find and correct errors like we'll tare your souls appart (Bastards of a lying breed) no mercy was showed (victorious march) and so on.We're not exactly talking about fine and complex points of grammar here.
As long as it's not checking for the right one of the following: were, where, their, there, they're. I've seen those misused more times than I care to count on messageboards.

Good luck on that paper dude, I feel your pain. Mine is due tomorrow; gonna be a long night.
Cimmarian- I've noticed that too with the Victorious March lyric, but he actually sings it "showed", as opposed to the proper grammar "shown". But like my English teacher from 8th grade said, "songs and poems don't need to follow the rules of prose [proper grammar], because they are forms of art."
HA! Try reading the lyric sheets from obscure Polish bands! WOW! It's mind boggling. Example: Dies Irae.

Hey, a hobby of most metal heads sooner or later, is trying to decipher lyric sheets. :)
Who really cares about mistakes, the point is that we all get the meaning of the songs. For all I care, they could sing in Swedish and that would make it even better. Keeping track of grammar rules when you speak 4/5 languages isn't always easy. I often get confused with dutch, german and now swedish and on the other hand i deal with french and spanish and all have different rules and spellings. Grammar plays a role, but i think we all get the meaning of what Johan is trying to say. english-american is far from being the proper way to speak english anyways. Yo G, don't be hatin' if ya know what I am sayin' homie. :loco:
We Rage In Out Hearts Burning Bright!!!!!!
Cimmerian said:
dude, I'd much rather if all these bands sung in their native tongue in the firstplace. However, if they choose to sing in Englsih I don't want to feel like a dingus singing along.

Hell yeah! That would be bad ass, having more bands completely singing in their native it Swedish, Danish (death metal growls, definately!), German or any other language...hell, it doesn't even have to be European!
oh but the european languages are so metal :)
...except french
M. said:
oh but the european languages are so metal :)
...except french

You said it! I have cds by Seth and Anorexia Nervosa, both of whom sing in french. French language and black metal just don't mix. Language of love, mimes, criossants, and wine coupled with the music of death, evil, spikes and leather... hmm...
Well, have you heard Enslaved's Vikingligr Veldi? That entire album is in Icelandic, and some of it works quite well! Livandi lif undir hamrri!!!