Amon Amarth merch...

I got that shirt at the NY show along with the AA skull cap...warm as can be...and the Thor hoodie.........

I wonder if they will have Time Travel Face Bags anytime soon...............

Thor hoodie? What does it look like? Too bad AA didn't come anywhere near me on this tour.
You gotta post here when thats gets out Bates, I have tried to find something about a DVD release of dethklok since i first saw it, but havn't found anything about it.

I got episode 3-12 and 14-20 in good quality downloaded but miss the other 3 in a decent version. I would kill to get my hands on either a dethklok album or the DVD just to get it in good sound quality! really hope they plan giving it out. I love it, and all the band refereses kill me :)

There is nothing like drinking guinness with your friends while running all 20 episodes in a row, well i should say while I drink guinness. They drink that piss they pass off as beer in the states. Like Miller, Corona, budweiser san miguel and the like:puke: . Well heck, what can you expect from Children of bodom fans? ;)

I have gotten most of my AA shirts from metalblade, ordered a few shirts from JSR direct aswell but got fucked since i forgot about the extra taxes when ordering from outside EU :mad: so i ended up paying like 100 euros extra in tax and the shirts suddenly ended up quite expensive :). JSR still havnt sent me the full shipment in 3 months since they claimed they where out of stock.

Otherwise most of my AA shirts come from AA conserts. Been over a year since however so im looking forward watching em in stockholm next sunday :headbang: hopefully some CoB fans i bring will be converted :lol:
I'll be doing the happy dance when it's released, for sure. Last I heard was this summer, but I have no idea when exactly.
I drink American beer, personally. I don't like my bread to come in a can! And, generally speaking, I don't taste much after the first 4, and those go quick with me. Tho I don't drink so much any more, really. It always seems to lead to arguments with my very conservative in-laws :p