Amon Amarth outsells Whitesnake, Pearl Jam, Cavalera Conspiracy, Within Temptation

came out, you were listening to
The only one that I find surprising is Pearl Jam, and only sort of. Amon Amarth have been a big name - and getting bigger at a steady clip - since Versus The World.

Pearl Jam shouldn't even be in the conversation. They re-released their second and third album and I think a live album. Not the same thing.

As for Amon Amarth, I can't say I'm surprised. They definitely are one metal band that continues to get better and increase their clout.
All very valid points. What I'm really trying to chip away at is how this chicken/egg scenario can really work with bands outside the norm. For example, if prog or power band A or B toured the way Behemoth does in the US circuit, how much of that work do you think would realistically translate into album sales and then into more tickets sold and so on? And for a band like Behemoth, how much of it is the touring itself, and how much is it that they simply fit easier into an already established criteria/range of popularity that can be banked on by promoters/record companies? Basically: How does the traditional/power/progressive metal band build up that following - if it's possible - in the USA?

It takes years and tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of dollars on the part of a label, band, etc to get to be as big as AA is now, so it's up to that band to decide if they want to make that commitment and if they have a label/management team that believes in them enough to support it.
So, when
came out, you were listening to

Not quite, as the Sesame Street wasn't as popular in Brazil. I was a very musical kid, however. I started learning music at the age 4. FOUR dude. No exaggeration, you can ask my parents. Some kids can't even write their own names by that age. By 5, my father had turned me on to the most amazing band I had heard by that time (which happened to be jazz band Spyro Gyra if you can believe it). I never paid attention to "kiddie" music, honestly. I can tell you when I was 5, I liked better music than 95% of the other 5 year olds.

Plus, the fact that I was 2 when Piece of Mind came out, still doesn't make me worse or less knowledgeable about it than you. ;)
AeonicSlumber, I agree with just about every point you've made in this topic save for the fact that you said you stopped caring about Amon Amarth since "The Crusher". Great album, but I truly think that the band hit it's peak with "With Oden on our Side" and the two since then are great too. I've probably listened to this new Amon Amarth 10 or so times through since I bought it and it keeps getting better. Amon Amarth are in some ways the Manowar of death metal, but this is quality stuff. And it TOTALLY deserves to have sold this well. Give this album a chance, brah.
AeonicSlumber, I agree with just about every point you've made in this topic save for the fact that you said you stopped caring about Amon Amarth since "The Crusher". Great album, but I truly think that the band hit it's peak with "With Oden on our Side" and the two since then are great too. I've probably listened to this new Amon Amarth 10 or so times through since I bought it and it keeps getting better. Amon Amarth are in some ways the Manowar of death metal, but this is quality stuff. And it TOTALLY deserves to have sold this well. Give this album a chance, brah.

Gotta agree completely with this one. WOOOS is my favorite for sure. The only thing I differ in is I do feel like the new one they changed things up a bit. More mid-slow tempo stuff that at times sounds more melancholic at times.
And even if they landed a big agency like TKO, Pantheon, ICM, Kenmore or The Agency Group, if they and the management don't want to invest into sacrificing profit for long term developmental benefits and just stick to headlining for some quick bucks, they will never do super well. Amon Amarth did so many support tours, opening for Bodom like 3 times, Sounds Of The Underground,, etc etc that they wound up exposing themselves to tons of kids who got into the music and bought the band, not unlike In Flames, Lacuna Coil, Dragonforce, Opeth, Children Of Bodom, and soon to be Gojira and Behemoth. A select batch of these European bands were simply willing to haul ass and it paid off.

Exactly.....they were smart with what tours and shows they jumped on. While some may say that I was saying the opposite on the Blackguard thread....Amon Amarth jumped on more solid lineups that would expose them to a large crowd while the later just jumps on any tour. AA were always solid on every tour and put on a powerful live show so it is hard not to watch even if you are not the biggest fan. AA proves that putting 100% into it can pay off.
Exactly.....they were smart with what tours and shows they jumped on. While some may say that I was saying the opposite on the Blackguard thread....Amon Amarth jumped on more solid lineups that would expose them to a large crowd while the later just jumps on any tour. AA were always solid on every tour and put on a powerful live show so it is hard not to watch even if you are not the biggest fan. AA proves that putting 100% into it can pay off.

Saw AA in Vegas a few years ago on some all day package tour. They were indeed entertaining but the beer was also doing it's job.
Do keep in mind that many dads are in their mid, even early 20's now. The generational gap isn't made up for 50-somethings and 14 year old children, with no in between. Contrary to what you may think, People are actually born every day!


So I guess the question is...

Is it any good? The new album.
Geriatric trolls will be disregarded.
Like I said in my post, I think that Surtur Rising is a strong album. It's very similar in tone to Twilight of the Thundergod, but Simon is right about it having some more slower/mid-paced stuff rather than just blasting through like several of the WOooS tracks.

That said, if you haven't like AA in the past, I don't think this new one re-invents them in a way that will convince you otherwise.
Someone post that video of the 10 year old little girl getting Amon Amarth tickets for her birthday and flipping out plz!!!
Someone post that video of the 10 year old little girl getting Amon Amarth tickets for her birthday and flipping out plz!!!

Look how disgusted the father looks at the end when his duaghter says the three metal bands she is into.
I was in a Buffalo Wild Wings a couple of weeks ago and some chick played Amon Amarth on the digital jukebox. I enjoy Amon Amarth, but come on, that ain't bar music. I was blown away that somebody in Small Town Bar, USA, knew of Amon Amarth besides me. I guess they are more popular than I thought, seeing those sales numbers.