amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

hey grievor, i saw u guys there. i wouldve said sumthin but u guys were way up front so i knew there was no way ppl would let me squeeze my way up there. and even if i could, u guys wouldnt have heard a word i said. hey i saw ur sis got a drumstick 2. i yelled to Ovi to pass me a pic but i couldnt get close enough. ne ways, hope u guys enjoyed it as much as i did. probably the most fun ive ever had at a show. btw, for sum1 new to metal, ur sis can do a dam good windmill headbang:rock:
got back home at 1:30am, now it's 7:49am and I'm sitting in my cubicle at work :(, the show in Orlando exceeded all my expectations which after 16 years of attending them isn't easy, the venue was made for metal shows, not very large with high stage, 3 bars, 2 story, attendance was a pleasant surprise, must have been around 300 peeps if not more, considering it was Orlando, FL and Tuesday night it was a great turn out, merchandise selection was great, buy as much as you can afford, rather than beer buy AA shit, that's all I got to say, my bro and I got a hoodie, 2 beanies, 2 key chain thingies (awesome), 2 girlie shirts, 1 regular shirt, flag thing and I'm sure we'll get more at the next two shows, the show/playlist was perfect with blend of old with new, the sound could have been slightly better as the bass was slightly over powering I though, no big deal though, JH worked the crowed as always, the higlight for me surprisingly was Fate of Norns, it was dedicated to Decapitated/Vitek, surprisingly insted of idiotic moshing (as in running around like a chicken without the head) in place of pit bunch of us were just banging, it was beatifull, at the end of the song all were chanting Vi-Tek, Vi-Tek, tear jerking :), that's all for now, got some pics I may post later, AA guys and all those that make it happen and those that showed up, BIG thanks,
My biggest complaint was the sound mixing, but what can ya do! It was an awesome show. I was so drunk though I couldnt find the merchandise area. I wanted a damn lanyard.

11-27-07 Orlando FL

1. Stiff neck that will last a couple of days
2. Ringing in ears that will last 24 hours
3. Going to Amon Amarth concert with friends


The show kicked ASS:rock:
Here's an incomplete list in no particular order that they played last night. Feel free to correct / add to the list where I'm wrong/incomplete.

An ancient sign of coming storm
With oden on our side
Fate of norns (Vitek)
The pursuit of vikings
Victorious march
Bleed for ancient gods
Death in fire
Vs the World
Downt he slopes of death
Thousand years of oppression
Valhalla waits me
Runes to my memory
Cry of the blackbirds

there were definitely more - but I can't recall. ANyway - best show ever. Cry of the blackbirds was the standout Viking anthem last night.
got back home at 1:30am, now it's 7:49am and I'm sitting in my cubicle at work :(, the show in Orlando exceeded all my expectations which after 16 years of attending them isn't easy, the venue was made for metal shows, not very large with high stage, 3 bars, 2 story, attendance was a pleasant surprise, must have been around 300 peeps if not more, considering it was Orlando, FL and Tuesday night it was a great turn out, merchandise selection was great, buy as much as you can afford, rather than beer buy AA shit, that's all I got to say, my bro and I got a hoodie, 2 beanies, 2 key chain thingies (awesome), 2 girlie shirts, 1 regular shirt, flag thing and I'm sure we'll get more at the next two shows, the show/playlist was perfect with blend of old with new, the sound could have been slightly better as the bass was slightly over powering I though, no big deal though, JH worked the crowed as always, the higlight for me surprisingly was Fate of Norns, it was dedicated to Decapitated/Vitek, surprisingly insted of idiotic moshing (as in running around like a chicken without the head) in place of pit bunch of us were just banging, it was beatifull, at the end of the song all were chanting Vi-Tek, Vi-Tek, tear jerking :), that's all for now, got some pics I may post later, AA guys and all those that make it happen and those that showed up, BIG thanks,

Hehe, not quite as jaded as you thought, eh? :)
got back home at 1:30am, now it's 7:49am and I'm sitting in my cubicle at work :(, the show in Orlando exceeded all my expectations which after 16 years of attending them isn't easy, the venue was made for metal shows, not very large with high stage, 3 bars, 2 story, attendance was a pleasant surprise, must have been around 300 peeps if not more, considering it was Orlando, FL and Tuesday night it was a great turn out, merchandise selection was great, buy as much as you can afford, rather than beer buy AA shit, that's all I got to say, my bro and I got a hoodie, 2 beanies, 2 key chain thingies (awesome), 2 girlie shirts, 1 regular shirt, flag thing and I'm sure we'll get more at the next two shows, the show/playlist was perfect with blend of old with new, the sound could have been slightly better as the bass was slightly over powering I though, no big deal though, JH worked the crowed as always, the higlight for me surprisingly was Fate of Norns, it was dedicated to Decapitated/Vitek, surprisingly insted of idiotic moshing (as in running around like a chicken without the head) in place of pit bunch of us were just banging, it was beatifull, at the end of the song all were chanting Vi-Tek, Vi-Tek, tear jerking :), that's all for now, got some pics I may post later, AA guys and all those that make it happen and those that showed up, BIG thanks,

Fuck yeah, the show was AWESOME! I'm surprised I still have my voice, although my neck is killing me. Looking forward to seeing those pics! I got up to the rail for the last 3 songs, I think I completely lost it during Victorious March haha. Anyways, had the time of my life thank you AA!!! :kickass:
I hope this is a joke. The date i'm going to 12/04, on the venues web site it says that In This Moment will be there as well.... I check ITM's myspace at it says they're in Colorado that night. Hopefully they're in Colorado, I don't wanna sit through even more shitty bands than himsa and Sonic Syndicate
Here's an incomplete list in no particular order that they played last night. Feel free to correct / add to the list where I'm wrong/incomplete.

An ancient sign of coming storm
With oden on our side
Fate of norns (Vitek)
The pursuit of vikings
Victorious march
Bleed for ancient gods
Death in fire
Vs the World
Downt he slopes of death
Thousand years of oppression
Valhalla waits me
Runes to my memory
Cry of the blackbirds

there were definitely more - but I can't recall. ANyway - best show ever. Cry of the blackbirds was the standout Viking anthem last night.

Someone have a complete list? I'm hoping to hear songs from The Crusher.