amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

>>Poeple who bring children that young to metal shows should be shot as soon as possible. That is awful and wrong, I'm sure her kids will thank her when they are deaf and the little one is dying of lung cancer.<<
Nice, I'm being lectured by some kid. Okay, You know what they say about opinions...? First of all, we're in california, so smoking isn't allowed inside the buildings, and most clubs that I've been to have a designated smoking area which is outside, which is the case with this venue. And as far as their hearing? I'm sure you have heard of ear plugs, yes? & I know a lot of people who've taken their kids to metal shows occasionaly, and the kid's hearing is just fine. I can appreciate you might have been trying to come across as concerned for the kids, but you really need to rethink how you articulate your point, otherwise you just come across as annoying.
>>Poeple who bring children that young to metal shows should be shot as soon as possible. That is awful and wrong, I'm sure her kids will thank her when they are deaf and the little one is dying of lung cancer.<<
Nice, I'm being lectured by some kid. Okay, You know what they say about opinions...? First of all, we're in california, so smoking isn't allowed inside the buildings, and most clubs that I've been to have a designated smoking area which is outside, which is the case with this venue. And as far as their hearing? I'm sure you have heard of ear plugs, yes? & I know a lot of people who've taken their kids to metal shows occasionaly, and the kid's hearing is just fine. I can appreciate you might have been trying to come across as concerned for the kids, but you really need to rethink how you articulate your point, otherwise you just come across as annoying.

>>Poeple who bring children that young to metal shows should be shot as soon as possible. That is awful and wrong, I'm sure her kids will thank her when they are deaf and the little one is dying of lung cancer.<<
Nice, I'm being lectured by some kid. Okay, You know what they say about opinions...? First of all, we're in california, so smoking isn't allowed inside the buildings, and most clubs that I've been to have a designated smoking area which is outside, which is the case with this venue. And as far as their hearing? I'm sure you have heard of ear plugs, yes? & I know a lot of people who've taken their kids to metal shows occasionaly, and the kid's hearing is just fine. I can appreciate you might have been trying to come across as concerned for the kids, but you really need to rethink how you articulate your point, otherwise you just come across as annoying.

i'm dying of lol cancer over here :kickass:
umm how about you show some respect and let the poeple at the front keep their spot. They are the ones that have been standing outside the club for three hours and they deserve it.

Poeple who bring children that young to metal shows should be shot as soon as possible. That is awful and wrong, I'm sure her kids will thank her when they are deaf and the little one is dying of lung cancer.

STFU chief cUnti.

Griev i wouldnt worry about the exact set times. Most of the crowd clears out after each band, not necessarily the ppl all the way in the front, but once the 2nd opener is done, theres gonna be plenty of room to get pretty dam close.

As for taking kids to a club, i know parents who do this regularly. How do u know she couldnt find a sitter? Or that she's such a caring parent that she never lets her kids out of her sight? Does having kids refrain u from being able to go out and enjoy urself? Well, apparently, ur ignorant ass thinks so.
Has anyone considered the fact that maybe the kids like the music too? My brother likes AA since he was 9... and I went to my first concert when I was 10. Parents who bring their kids to concerts are aware of the fact that it's very loud. Every kid I've seen at shows wear those industrial ear muffs.
STFU chief cUnti.

Griev i wouldnt worry about the exact set times. Most of the crowd clears out after each band, not necessarily the ppl all the way in the front, but once the 2nd opener is done, theres gonna be plenty of room to get pretty dam close.

Ya I was just kidding around, I don't want to pick a fight with anyone or anything, it was just a figure of speach. Anyways, meet and greet is when doors open so I will be there early to secure my spot and cover my ears till 8 :kickass:.
Ya I was just kidding around, I don't want to pick a fight with anyone or anything, it was just a figure of speach. Anyways, meet and greet is when doors open so I will be there early to secure my spot and cover my ears till 8 :kickass:.
i was pleasantly surprised with himsa, there singer jumped the rail and went in the pit haha! i think he was a lil drunk :kickass:
actually, im wondering how early i need to show up for the meet and greet. if the doors open at 6:30, Do i really need to be there by 6 or can i get there at exactly 6:30. im trying to time it so i have to do as little waiting as possible. cuz i know im already going to be bored to tears during the openers.:waah:

and also, WTF am i going to say to the guys? i want to have some interesting convo without sounding like a fanboy who is just gonna say crap they've already heard 1000x over
fwiw, i've never seen a club open the doors even one minute early.

if anything, you gotta worry about them running an hour or two late on occasion.
actually, im wondering how early i need to show up for the meet and greet. if the doors open at 6:30, Do i really need to be there by 6 or can i get there at exactly 6:30. im trying to time it so i have to do as little waiting as possible. cuz i know im already going to be bored to tears during the openers.:waah:

and also, WTF am i going to say to the guys? i want to have some interesting convo without sounding like a fanboy who is just gonna say crap they've already heard 1000x over

Shit, I didn't think about that.
I'll be honest, I'm gonna have to agree with Conti.

A concert venue is a dangerous place. You have wild drunkenness and mosh pits all over the place. A child will get lost and could get hurt there. Then what happens? You sue the venue and bye-bye concerts.

This isn't to say that the child won't be protected by other concertgoers, but out of every ten good guys on the floor with you, there's always an asshole.

Also, what happens if the kid gets out the sight of the parent(nothing against your parenting skills,Bill), but what happens, if for one second, the kid gets out the sight of the parent, it'll be hell looking for him and the child could possibly end up ruining someone else's concert experience.

Or the kid could have fits and ruin your concert experience as well.

That being said, I took a peek at the set-list. It's not too bad :)
actually, im wondering how early i need to show up for the meet and greet. if the doors open at 6:30, Do i really need to be there by 6 or can i get there at exactly 6:30.

As soon as the doors opened..............Amon Amarth were next to the merch booth and there was a line already formed for the meet-and-greet!!!! Got the flag, tour shirt signed by all!!