amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

Would it be wrong if I were to contemplate missing a show because I have a final the next day, especially given that I will also be at a hockey game the night before?

dude i cant begin to tell u how many sleepless nights ive had b4 a final. be a man. have a couple red bulls the next morning and knock that shit out.:kickass:
A friend of mine has been the the club before, I would say that it is fairly small..
Hell yeah, I'll be there, really drunk waving the With Oden on our Side wallscroll :kickass:

yea here is the link to club firestones myspace to get an idea when i went it was actually smaller than it looked on their myspace. but we did get a small-medium pit going so its not so bad.

BTW grievor, how big is that wallscroll? id be happy to help hold that if u need it.
Is everyone still down for the AA forum meet up in Orlando? I would say maybe just have some beers at the bar while the openers are playing or something.
Awesome! Decapitated... will they be able to make it? Not a big fan of them like the other 2 bands but still I was hoping to see them too. But I mainly wanted to see AA of course =D

If they replace them with an American band... I dunno. All of the ones I like are on tour I think =P. (Machine Head and Lamb of God)
Awesome! Decapitated... will they be able to make it? Not a big fan of them like the other 2 bands but still I was hoping to see them too. But I mainly wanted to see AA of course =D

If they replace them with an American band... I dunno. All of the ones I like are on tour I think =P. (Machine Head and Lamb of God)

Decapitate will not make it, that's for sure, not confirmed though. As far as the meetings go I'm up for it, however from past experiencec I can tell they hardly ever work out. Is there a bar near bar or such? I'm planning on getting there around 3:00 pm. Naming a time and place would be a good starting point.
The only bars I know of in downtown is the BBQ bar and the Social but I don't know if they are walking distance to Firestone. I was just thinking of just meeting up at Firestone and having some brews while the shitty openers play.
yups, as of right now, there's no replacement and that's what i last heard from nuclear blast. and if there IS a replacement band, it will be a smaller unknown US say the absence or some of those awful new deathcore bands :p
I'm bummed Decapitated wont be able to go.

How big is Club Firestone? I hope they arent one of those "$9 beer night" places.
I'm bummed Decapitated wont be able to go.

How big is Club Firestone? I hope they arent one of those "$9 beer night" places.

From what people have been saying its just your normal "club" size, you know like a place you would go to RidIn oN DuBz tO HolLa At SoMe BiTchEs.
As far as beer prices, yeah, I hope not either. At sounds of the underground the beer was fucking ridiculously priced. I think it was like 6 dollars for a plastic cup, needless to say I spent like 60 dollars.
per their space they'll be playing 90 minute set that will include older songs as well those that don't usually get played life, nice

won't be the same without Decapitated though :(, I'll have to drown my sorrows in beer

under the circumstances, i think AA playin 90 min. is the best thing that couldve happened, better than just about adding any other band to the ticket, who chances r wouldnt even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as AA.
Anyone have any time schedules for the dates?? I'm interested in when I should leave the bar after the shitty bands are done to smash my way to the front for the mighty AA.
I am so stoked for 90 minutes of AA. Shitty circumstances, but I'll feel justified calling out of work afterwards! "Yeah I got fucked up pretty bad at the show... headbanged so much my head fell off." "... yeah you stay home today."
On their myspace they said they are going to play a longer set with more songs they usually don't play live. If I can give one request, DRAGONS FLIGHT ACROSS THE WAVES!!