Amon Amarth

illidurit said:
surely there are judgments to be made about music that don't operate from encyclopedic knowledge of theory

Sure, there are, and I don't think that knowledge of theory has anything to do with what you like and dislike. In fact what I am implying is the opposite. Even if you do know a lot about theory, you are still in no position to say emphatically that your personal preference in something is 'better' than anyone elses. What people need to keep in mind is that music and all arts are subjective occurances in life. They appeal to everyone on an aesthetic level which is determined by many things including culture, style, social standing, past experience and so on. Using arguments along the lines of "ur music sucks ass, you noob" doesn't really make your point of view authoritive beyond the fact that you might have intimidated someone arbitrarily.

edit: I hope you are kidding, otherwise, I can't stand hearing about people fighting in Iraq or wherever who associate Heavy music with killing inoccent people and such, like it is a video game. Truly stupid punks who should be put somewhere where they aren't armed and in a position of power. Plus, they listen to fucking Slipnot and Korn ftlog :erk:
metal_wrath said:

edit: I hope you are kidding, otherwise, I can't stand hearing about people fighting in Iraq or wherever who associate Heavy music with killing inoccent people and such, like it is a video game. Truly stupid punks who should be put somewhere where they aren't armed and in a position of power. Plus, they listen to fucking Slipnot and Korn ftlog :erk:
I just bought Amon Amarth's new album yesterday and I must say it is an amazing release. I'm just afraid it will get a bit boring after a while (that's what always seems to happen when I enjoy a CD greatly during the first listen). There are some really great tracks on there.

EDIT: Yep I did get a little bored of it and I can't really say it's "amazing" anymore, but it's still damn good and high up in the ranks of 2006 albums.
Their new CD is great. It's not really awe-inspiring musicianship or anything but that's not what it was meant to do. I bet their live show for this will be impressive as hell.
metal_wrath said:

edit: I hope you are kidding, otherwise, I can't stand hearing about people fighting in Iraq or wherever who associate Heavy music with killing inoccent people and such, like it is a video game. Truly stupid punks who should be put somewhere where they aren't armed and in a position of power. Plus, they listen to fucking Slipnot and Korn ftlog :erk:
Yeah, that shit is fucking stupid (though I do like Korn and some Slipknot).
been listenin to Fate of norms, pursuit of vikings, runes to my memory and death in fire...non stop...i liek the band...simepl adn straight to teh point death sure its nothign groundbreaking...but its good music to headbang to...adn thats not lookin in music to give me spiritual guidance or a history lesson.....i need to be entertained...adn tehy do that well....cater to my taste......Keep rockin Amon MArth...u have a new fan....!!!........PEAC EOUT

edit: I hope you are kidding, otherwise, I can't stand hearing about people fighting in Iraq or wherever who associate Heavy music with killing inoccent people and such, like it is a video game. Truly stupid punks who should be put somewhere where they aren't armed and in a position of power. Plus, they listen to fucking Slipnot and Korn ftlog :erk:
War is not cool and all that but metal is what I'd listen to if I drove a tank through a crowd of freedom haters.
Seems to me that Amon Amarth have been making the same album for 10 yrs or however long they've been together. IMO, I hear no musical growth or progression.

edit: I hope you are kidding, otherwise, I can't stand hearing about people fighting in Iraq or wherever who associate Heavy music with killing inoccent people and such, like it is a video game. Truly stupid punks who should be put somewhere where they aren't armed and in a position of power. Plus, they listen to fucking Slipnot and Korn ftlog :erk:

Umm, it's fairly easy to associate the two when the lyrics are about that...

Anyway, I just listened to "The Avenger" for the first time today. It was really good; definitely better than Versus the World. I really like the title track.
I listened to With Oden on our Side to see what Amon Amarth was like and did not like it.