Amon Amarth

Macabre_Transmigrant said:
I fucking love "versus the world" !!!!!! havent heard any other stuff though. id like to hear from deadly embrace on this.

Well then do what I did & pick up The Crusher, it's not as polished melodic, it's a bit faster, & heavier vocals. But still very good & a natural choice, after you need something to go with Versus The World. They are both well worth the cash. I also have The Avenger, but it's a bit out dated(production) & not as good as the above mentioned two(IMO). So I don't suggest this one, quite yet anyway............. :flame:I like the newer direction their heading.
Oh my God! Wow DE...I'm glad you're so darn knowledgable on these subject. It's a good thing we have you to keep us all updated on all these bands!