Amon Amarth's town!

I moved from Stockholm less than two weeks ago after living there for about 7 years.
But it is a very nice town indeed.

Have just made plans to go to Bang Your Head, so hopefully Amon Amarth will not cancel that festival as they did 2000 Decibel :)
gcele said:
Nothing's wrong with Finland. Not compared to Gothenburg =P

Anyway, yeah I'm also moving to Stockholm in about two years...not IN the town, I'm not a rich piggy that can do such a thing summer I'll be driving thru Tumba, Solna or Haninge and look for appartments...yeah!
Hey, Patric, all you have to do to get an apartment in the city is kill someone. :yuk: You have to queue for 1½ years to get a student's apartment... so if you're thinking of studying, get in line immediately.
Only 1½? Hey man, that's way shorter than I expected...but it's also a question of money, a lot of the downtown appartments are totally expensive. Anyway, why all this struggle when you can live in kick ass suburbs like Solna?
I also know how much its hard to get an house in Stockholm town,from my girlfriend.She was lucky to get an apartment by Hornstul(Sodermalm)for she exchanged with her old one but many young people I know it is really a big problem.Hey,Patric!There are many old people living by her block...would be not a problem to scare know,when youre old...certain things can happen :Saint: !!!

NP-I remember you (Skid Row)
Heheh, you mean heart attacks? Poof, gone! Speaking of old people, I really have a DISTURBED thought that's haunting my mind for's where I think of the old, almost blue skin of an old lady, like where it's all wrinkly at the face....and it's cut off and put on a piece of bread, and it's all slimy like a fish....and you have to eat it....eeew!
Dahhh!It reminds me the wellknown novel of E.A. Poe,the one of Berenice and the guy who was obsessed with her "beautiful" teeth!!!
Ah,this thing with the old ladys emaciated flesh it is really sick!!!I promise that Ill find some nice pic for you,Patric!
P.s.I notice that Im not the only one writing delirium tremens themes on this forum and at this late hour.I came back right now from a destructive cider night with my best friend and Im completely fucked up in the brain!SALVTE TO ALL THE NOCTURNAL HEATHENS!!!
Really? I must read some more E.A Poe...the thing you said reminds me of Tales From The Crypt, the BEST show EVER!

Yeah, what kind of pic? With the flesh? Haha, great. I went to see this homepage of a French Satanist serial killer (the worst thing is that he's a METALHEAD) and there was pics of his "idols" works, with strangulated fat women and everything. The flesh was deep red, eeeew.

I also have other disgusting phobias hehe, sure you want to hear some more?

Glad to see other Europeans psychos on the board shit late at night! And Cider is good, I've been drinking Zywiec beer tonight...Polish quality!
Patric said:
Only 1½? Hey man, that's way shorter than I expected...but it's also a question of money, a lot of the downtown appartments are totally expensive. Anyway, why all this struggle when you can live in kick ass suburbs like Solna?

Heh, you think there's student's apartments in downtown 08? Think again ;) As good as all of them are in the 'burbs. Also, remember they usually don't have kitchens et.c..

NP Testament » Murky Waters
You're telling me I have to wait 1½ years just to get in a SUBURB? Well, I'll move in 2 years so it shouldn't be a problem anyway...

Great Testament song, btw.