Any Bands similar to Amon Amarth?


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2003
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I find it hard to believe that no bands emulate Amon Amarth's riffing style, the slow melodic riffs ala pagan's main riff. Countless bands copy the in-flames/dt recipe, but are there any similar to AA?? why the hell not.....this is the best style i've ever heard hehe
If we're talking playing style then I'd say Centinex, Bolt Thrower, Solar Dawn....well, there's SOME similiarities but it's impossible to lump AA in some group or mention a band they sound very much alike. But a lot of other AA bands seem to enjoy the bands above.
yah, I just mean playing style, I don't really here those kinds of slow, high melodic riffs that much, like the riff at 1:43 on amon amarth or pagan's riff, or the riff on and soon the world will cease to be at 2:42 etc....thats the best shit man which I could find more of the same
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